Spagna - I prigionieri in isolamento dal nuovo carcere di Puerto III denunciano l'estremo isolamento

The prisoners from the isolation unito of the new prison Puerto III (Spain) denounced extreme isolation and incomunication conditions

The new prison Puerto III was oponed on june 7, 2007, in Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz (south of Spain). Acording to the oficial statistics there is place for 70 inmates under segregation regime.

Inside the segregation unit of Puerto II, the 15th unit, there are 8 separated galleries; each one of these galleries has between 4 and 8 individual hig security cells and a small yard of 8,5x16 m. The concrete cells have a double automatized door and the window is usually closed with metallic pieces or it´s oriented to a wall.

One of this galleries is for inmates that are sent into isolation for a little time and other gallery is ocuped for 3 social prisoners.

In the restant 6 galleries is an unique inmate for gallery, totally isolated and incomunicated from the others. This 6 inmates go to yard alone for 1-3 hours/day and spend the rest of the time inside the cell; they only have restricted contact with their jailers. Two of these inmates are basque political prisoners –Iñaki Bilbao and Unai Parot- and another one is an anarchist –Antonio Rubiales-.

This extreme isolament/incomunication imprisonament conditions, over people that has before spent years in solitary detention, are cause of severe physical and mental disseases, despite of being clearly a form of torture.

Against this extreme conditions the basque POW Iñaki Bilbao made 12 days of hunger and water strike, loosing near 20 kgrs and was feed by force, between october 2 and november 2.

For more info (in spanish) see the releated info.

Gizbanakoen eta Gizarte Eskubideen Babeserako Elkartea
Associatión for the Defense of the Social and Individual Rights

Donostia (Basque Country) november 3, 2007

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Mar, 06/11/2007 – 16:44
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