[ versione italiana | versiĆ³n castellana ]

After 6 years from its birth, Italy Imc needs to think again its way of being media; doing that it needs silence, it needs to say nothing, it needs to start once again, without net, having a 360-degrees discussion.

Italy Indymedia bore in the streets and in the squares, and this reflects on several sections of the site: newswire, main column, thematic categories, files, but also forum and mailing lists. Italy Imc made all that keeping its local/global network-being, and now is coming back to streets and squares to close the circle.

As the years went by, people and tools came into conflict. The most emblematic example of this is the newswire: the free-publishing area, directed and with no-filters (the basics of our open-publishing's conceptions), with never ending controversies about what has to be hidden and why, about publication of photos and videos showing people's faces, or personal information.

Mailing lists too plunged into crisis because of poor participation and/or problematic debates, so that looking for consensus has become more and more difficult.

All this is the subject of constant observation, because critical sense forces us to put ourselves under discussion (again), but now the background noise is deafening. We need to keep silent so that we can hear, watch, evaluate and concentrate all our efforts on ideas that otherwise would risk to sink into oblivion.
We use silence for those reasons, now let's talk about energies and ideas, starting again from scratch.

Italy Imc shuts down to resume.

--> read the archives (publication disabled)
--> read the forum (publication disabled)
--> read the document of the X meeting

Italy Imc shuts down to resume.

On this page you'll find information about the new discussion list.

To mainstream grave-diggers: sorry, the funeral has vanished and the scoop flopped down!