31 Ottobre – 1 Novembre 2009
Cowley Club, 12 London Road,
Brighton, UK
2 Giorni di dibattiti e presentazioni sulla lotta per la liberazione dentro e fuori le mura della prigione.
- Lotta anti-carceraria in Europa – Campagna Contro il lavoro-schiavitu’ dentro le carceri – Anti-psichiatria – La Fortezza Europa – Combattere la prigione aperta
Mentre la crisi economica si inasprisce e la gente coltiva la propria rabbia e si organizza, lo stato ha bisogno di distrazioni mediatiche come la Guerra contro il Terrore, di una repressione politica sempre piu’ forte, di un controllo paramilitare, di nuove prigioni e centri di detenzione per immigranti, della biometria, sorveglianza ecc... – tutto per mantenere le divisioni di classe che possano assicurare un continuo sfruttamento economico.
Lo stato del Regno Unito, precursore di molti altri, sta per inoltrarsi in un enorme progetto di costruzione di nuove carceri nonostante il fatto che la nostra societa’ assomigli sempre piu’ a una prigione ad aria aperta. Tutto cio’ deve scomparire...
Questo e’ un appello per creare un dibattito, un intercambio, un momento di riflessione e agitazione...
per il programma completo: [1]
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Provisional Timetable
Sat 31/Oct
9.30 Breakfast
10.30 Introduction of the event and of people.
11.20 Campaign Against Prison Slavery
Forced labour, long a feature of prisons around the globe, has many functions: as punishment, to extract reparations for the cost of imprisonment and even simply as a means of keeping prisoners physically exhausted so they are less likely to rebel. However, it is increasingly being used both as an integral component of prison control and discipline regimes and as a method of generating capital from a section of society that up till now has been held to have no intrinsic labour value.
- - --.--
Talk with the anarchist comrades from Portugal
"It doesn't seem realistic to us to talk about an anti-prison struggle in Portugal. There is an ongoing tension and struggle against this prison-society. We commit to fighting not just one repressive aspect of it. The problems are everywhere and our enemy is this whole system. With this we don't mean that we haven't targeted prisons or fought in solidarity with rebellious prisoners. It is quite clear for us that prisons are a fundamental pillar of the state's repressive system. They are a direct threat for all of us.
And so, we've had experiences of aiming our attack against the penitentiary system.. It is about these experiences and their context in a larger/global struggle that we would like to talk. We're interested in sharing the practice we had and the reflections that came from that practice so far. We want to debate the theory and the methods we choose, so that we determine the way we want this struggle to be. We're also interested in mentioning some specific cases because of their unexpected outcome- both positive and negative."
13.00 Lunch + Break
14.00 Feedback from Greece
Revolutionary solidarity in theory and in practice. An anarchist comrade from Athens speaking about the increasingly repressive aftermath of the December uprising and also about the outcome of the November 2008 prisoners hungerstrike. There will be an overview of the cases of bankrobbing anarchist prisoners Giannis Dimitrakis and Gorgos Voutsis-Vogiatzis, and details of the mass repressive measures taken against immigrants.
15.00 Presentation from anarchist comrades from Berlin, Germany
Some comrades from Berlin are going to give a brief overview about the situation there for what concerns the increasing of acts of attack against state and capital and the reaction to it by the agents of repression: one of the examples are the ongoing trials against several comrades and the widening of social control. Partly-privatization within german prisons and other developments within the prison world are going to be touched, as well as moments of resistance against it, both from the outside as on the inside.
16.00 Discussion
- - --Close
20.30 Benefit Gig "All Cops Are Brothers" w/ Spanner, Crowzone & Jesus Bruiser. Donations entry.
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Sun 1/Nov
10.30 Breakfast
11.20 Open Session (...)
- - --.-- Lunch + Break
--.-- Open Session (...)
- - --.-- The Shape of Things to Come
Presentation by Tony Bunyan of, about new European security architecture, biometrics & surveillance technologies and the open prison society.
- - --.-- Combating the open prison : Closing Discussion
Our modern consumer capitalist societies are becoming increasingly like open prisons, watched and spied on, monitored and databased, the average UK citizen is in a prison of monstrous proportions. We need a social and libertarian revolution for a world where we control the direction of our own lives.