Communique of anarchists who attacked Russian embassy in Minsk


On the evening of 30.08.2010 a group of anarchists have attacked by Molotov cocktails Russian embassy in Minsk. One of the diplomat cars was burnt. By this action we express our fury and protest to the arrests and repressions against defenders of Khimki forest in Moscow.

While our friends are beaten up by fascist mercenaries, riot police are pressing and arresting innocent people – treats and arrests became everyday routine. Our friends now have to suffer in jails or live in fear to be imprisoned just because they fight for freedom, people and environment.

But bureaucrats and capitalists care just for their bribes and profits, they don’t care what happens tomorrow, they are ready to abolish every protest or disagreement with cruelty. What comes next – the death squads?

We declare solidarity with our comrades and support only method of direct action, because government are afraid of power only and nothing else.

It is really funny to read some comments on Internet forums. Both clans, called “Gvernment of Republic of Belarus” and “Government of Russian Federation” disgust us. Poor workers of both countries never take any benefit from this fighting for power. It is foolishly to imitate politicians. People, come to your senses! Is it really impossible to explain any act of protest by theories of conspiracy? We meet stealing and humiliation every day – but around there are only fear in the eyes and whisper in the kitchens. It is time to summon our forces and believe that we are worthy of a better life.

Free all imprisoned comrades! Stop political repressions! Down with officials, gangsters and policemen!

Human rights and social justice!