Svezia - Il prigioniero animalista Viktor Padellaro era un fascista [Replica]

Apprendiamo dalla Croce Nera di Stoccolma-Malmo, che Viktor Padellaro, prigioniero animalista del cui arresto avevamo dato notizia, è in realtà un fascista collegato alle reti neo-nazi scandinave. Invitiamo quindi i gruppi di supporto e le varie pubblicazioni a prenderne atto e agire di conseguenza.

Segue il link alla notizia riportata dalla ABC di stoccolma/malmo:

Per completezza, affinché le realtà di supporto ai prigionieri possano decidere in modo consapevole, alleghiamo un comunicato di Viktor Padellaro in cui prende le distanze dal suo passato da militante di estrema destra.
[Traduzione dallo svedese all'inglese con traduttore automatico]

Bluntly: I'm not a Nazi / fascist. I was sympathiser and being with those "friends" a while ago.
Something I am ashamed of today. I was stupid and bigoted. I had dropped out before I was arrested
and I disagree with everything related to xenophobia, fascism, homophobia, etc. I understand many
have been shocked over Nazi rumours, and I say sorry to all those I may have
offended with those views. I distance myself completely from nationalism, racism, Nazism. My old
contacts and sympathy with such views is not something I stand for today.
There's nothing worse than oppression against anyone because of the person's skin colour or
orientation. Racism is never acceptable, and I want my peers to know that I have changed opinions.
I have already once by e-mail to Antifa announced my departure from Nazism (before I was
arrested) and writes in this letter a second time that I no longer have any values or opinions.
We must strive for a society in which no individual being oppressed, we must promote equality and
justice. It is easy to fall into the wrong intercourse and as a young man it is embarrassing to say I
used to sympathize with these vile ideologies. Racism and Nazism must be fought, that young and
impressionable people are not lured into such movements, ensuring that racist attitudes never
become house-trained, ensuring that they always meet resistance, and never
tolerate fascism.
I have nothing in common today with someone who has racist views, I take away from all
oppression. Crush Nazism is an odious ideology, crush, fascism, sexism, homophobia, capitalism
and specisism: for a society where all are free. for a society without oppression.
This will be the end of this letter. Now you know where I stand today and I will take a total distance
of fascism, Nazism and racism. I have dropped out.
Viktor Padellaro

Dom, 05/02/2012 – 10:58
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