Irlanda - Invito all'Incontro Internazionale Squatters [Dublino 25 > 28 settembre 2014]

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Incontro Internazionale Squatters 2014 Dublin
Dal 25 al 28 settembre 2014

Chi ha detto che non puoi occupare in Irlanda?!
preparati per un meraviglioso lungo week end di workshops, condivisione dei saperi, concerti, film, networking, cibo vegano, complotti e magari rovesciamento dello stato… per celebrare l’OCCUPAZIONE in un mondo che straripa di tragici e bellissimi spazi vuoti!
Dai il tuo contributo a questo incontro proponendo workshops e dibattiti per far conoscere  le storie nella tua comunità!
Porta te stesso, i tuoi workshops, porta i tuoi amici, lascia il tuo lavoro e le tue stronzate, lascia i proprietari delle case. Fotti i padroni (non FOTTERTELI…)
Prendi questo volantino, passalo in giro, incollalo, diffondilo via email, nel tuo prossimo pezzo post punk!

Dillo al mondo! Occupa il mondo!

tell the world – squat the world!

International Squatters Convergence

DUBLIN – this September 25-28, 2014

Who ever said you can’t squat in ireland?!

Over the last few years, a blossoming community of squats has been
popping up all over ireland, and we’re learning a lot through our
experiences. We want to invite you to dublin this september to come
share your stories, knowledge and experiences with squatting in your

so get ready for a whole feckin’ extended weekend of workshops,
skillshares, gigs, film screenings, networking, vegan food, scheming,
and perhaps some overthrowing of the state… to celebrate

SQUATTING in a world overflowing with tragically beautiful


this event is proper D.I.Y., so go on and make this convergence what
it is by offering a workshop/discussion to tell us about the buzz in
your community!

bring yourselves, bring your workshops, bring your friends,

leave your jobs, leave the bullshit, leave the landlords.

fuck the landlords ! (don’t FUCK the landlords…)

take this flyer, & print it out, wheatpaste it, email it, send it out with your next piece of punk post!

tell the world – squat the world!

Rassemblement Internationale de Squatteurs
DUBLIN – ce 25-28, septembre 2014

Qui dit qu’on peut pas squatter en Irelande?! Depuis plusieurs années une communauté
a pris forme en Irlande. On t’invite pour partager tes experiences et tes connaissances.

Preparez-vous pour tout un putain de weekend d’ateliers, de partage de saviors, de concerts, de projections de films, de networking, de nourriture végane, de conspiration, et meme peut-etre un peu de revolution… tout pour célébrer le SQUATAGE dans un monde débordant de beaux batiments tragiquement vides.

c’est DIY, alors fais de ce rassemblement ce que tu veux toi meme en offrant des ateliers et des discussions concernant ce qui se passent dans ta communauté.

Ramene toi, tes ateliers et tes potes,
quitte ton boulot, débarrasse toi de toute cette merde,
libére toi du proprio,
Nique ton proprio !! (mais ne le NIQUE pas vraiment quand meme…)

Prend ce flyer, imprime-le, diffuse-le, email-le!
Dis le au Monde – squatte le monde!

Gio, 19/06/2014 – 15:55
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