Response of MPST to the statement of IWA

The purpose of this statement is to disprove the lies and shed light on
the real state of affairs in our organization.

April 8th, 2013 a statement was published on website,
condemning the activities of our group and calling for boycott MPST and
other Russian anarchist organizations and individuals who does not share
the position of Russian IWA section KRAS regarding our organization.

Previously, we have been encountered such groundless criticism from
KRAS(members of which were in the same organization with some of us
before) multiple times. Several years ago, MPST proposed to organize a
mediation court because of accusations of MPST members in nationalism
and collaboration with the police from the KRAS side. Then, KRAS members
refused to carry out the mediation court and declared that all the
organizations in Moscow anarchist community, who did not agree with
them, were non-anarchist. After that incident, we have not considered
KRAS declarations in our address seriously, because we have been sure,
that other Russian anarchists would consider them as lies.

However, the fact that the next declaration, containing lies about our
group has been published in the name of IWA Secretariat, causes serious
concerns among us. We can not put up with the fact that this slander has
gone international and could deceive our foreign comrades. Among other
things, the fact that some KRAS members have succeeded in deceiving IWA
and involuntary have pulled an international anarchist organization in
their slanderous campaign, arouses our indignation.

KRAS members, who are spreading the slander about MPST, are skillful at
mixing speculations and blatant lie in their declarations. They mention
our organization in the context of condemnation of right-wing and
national-socialist organizations to present our organization as one of
these «national-anarchist» or «right-wing» organizations to the reader.

The main person, who spreads lies and slander about MPST is know as
Vadim Graevsky(his real name will be sent with the copy of this letter,
addressed to IWA). He has been a participant of anarchist movement for a
long time, and has acquired the credit of foreign comrades. However,
currently he is busy, mainly, with creating of own «leading anarchist in
Russia» reputation, and abusing and slandering of those, who in his
opinion, are his «competitors» or who simply does not express «the
adequate honor» to him. As a result, currently, in the anarchist circles
of Russia (as well as of many in Ukraine and Belarus) Graevsky is
considered by all, except several supporters, as a troublemaker, who
does not deserve to be believed. Nevertheless, IWA seems to be not aware
of this, and Graevsky continues to use IWA’s credit, which probably has
been the cause of such uncritical perception of his information in the IWA.

We hope that our comrades in IWA will take information from Graevsky
more critically and check its authenticity in future. «Authority»,
according to the principles of anarchism, can not be a criteria of
rightness and grant priority in trust.

Our true position

We have wanted to describe the true positions and ideological attitudes
of our group. Interprofessional Workers Union (MPST) is an
anarcho-communist organization. We stand for creation of
anarcho-communist society worldwide. We adhere to the principles of
internationalism, i.e. we stand for unity of the workers of all nations
in their struggle against capitalism, against imperialist wars, against
nationalism, against any forms of racism, chauvinism or apartheid.

In our Manifesto we also affirm that we are not against any particular ethnic cultures,
i.e. we do not require all the people to become cosmopolitan. In the
same time, we are against the ideas of superiority of some ethnic
cultures over others, and against quarrel between the people of
different ethnic cultures. We believe that every individual, according
to ones own desire, can regard oneself as either cosmopolitan or as man
of any ethnic culture. In the last case, we do not condemn such
self-identification, except for cases when it is used for maintaining
ideas of ethnic enmity or ethnic superiority. Any claims that MPST is a
«national-anarchist» should be therefore considered as lies.

Unfortunately, there are some groups in Russia, who belongs to a
so-called «national-revolutionary» wing. In the Spring 2012, during our
congress, we decided that any collaboration with such groups is
intolerable for our organization. Therefore, any claims stating that
MPST collaborates with national-»anarchists» should be considered as lies.

In our Manifesto we stand for liquidation of all forms of oppression,
including patriarchy and heteronormativity. Some participants of our
organization (men and women) collaborate with anarcho-feminist groups
and individuals. Therefore, any claims that MPST supports homophobia or
misogyny should be considered as lies.