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Berkeley, anche il sito del campus parla di arresti
by livorno rossa international Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 10:57 AM mail:

con molta diplomazia ma si confermano gli arresti sul sito ufficiale del complesso di Berkeley. Nella foto demo all'esterno del complesso

Berkeley, anche il s...
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Between 1,500 and 2,000 UC Berkeley students and others packed Sproul Plaza (above) Thursday for a noontime anti-war rally sparked by the U.S. offensive against Iraq. More than 100 chanting protesters then moved inside Sproul Hall for a sit-in (left), and many were arrested peaceably when they refused police orders to disperse. In all, 117 people were arrested; all were cited for misdemeanor trespassing and released. Of the total, 98 were UC Berkeley students, and there were 2 juveniles arrested and released to their parents. More >

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