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Palestina, 29 aprile 2003
by gap Tuesday, Apr. 29, 2003 at 11:13 AM mail:


Betlemme, 29 apr 2003 - 08:39
MO, due militanti palestinesi uccisi da spari israeliani

Due militanti palestinesi delle Brigate dei martiri di Al Aqsa, movimento legato all'organizzazione Al Fatah del presidente palestinese Yasser Arafat, sono stati uccisi oggi da colpi sparati da carri armati israeliani nei pressi di Betlemme, in Cisgiordania. Lo hanno detto fonti dei servizi di sicurezza palestinesi.(red)

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Khan Yunes, 29 apr 2003 - 09:12
MO, elicottero israeliano spara: un palestinese ucciso

Un elicottero israeliano ha attaccato oggi Khan Yunes, nella striscia di Gaza, sparando uno o pių razzi. Lo hanno riferito fonti locali palestinesi. Un palestinese č stato ucciso e uno č rimasto ferito. (red)

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Jerusalem Post:
Two Palestinian commanders killed in territories

An Israeli Air Force helicopter fired a missile at a car in the southern Gaza Strip on Tuesday morning, killing the local military leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, sources said.

The IDF spokesman confirmed the raid in the Gaza town of Khan Yunis, in which, according to reports, PFLP commander Nidal Salameh, 36, and at least one bystander was killed. Initial reports said three people were killed in the raid that took place just before 9 a.m. local time.

According to reports, Salameh died when a missile fired from an Apache helicopter struck his car traveling southeast of the Israeli community of Morag.

Meanwhile in the West Bank, soldiers shot and killed a top Fatah leader, Mahmud Salah, and his aide in a shootout at his home in the village of Khirbet Aliya near Bethlehem.

Soldiers came to arrest Salah and then returned fire when Salah and his deputy fired at them from the house, reports said.

The violence came as the Palestinian legislature was set to convene in Ramallah to approve Mahmud Abbas' new cabinet to set in motion the process of unveiling a US-backed peace plan, known as the Road Map.

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Missile-firing IAF gunship kills PFLP-GC commander

Y! News - Middle East:
Helicopter Attack in Gaza Kills One
Israeli Forces Kill 3 Militants in Gaza, W. Bank

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