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Ecuador:Gli indios contro il petrolio
by Naja Friday, Jan. 30, 2004 at 3:44 PM mail:

Indios in mobilitazione...

- ECUADOR, 30/01/2004 - 10:21
Indios contro il petrolio

E' ancora in mobilitazione, in Ecuador, la comunita'indigena Kishwa del Sarayacu, nella giungla amazzonica. Motivo: impedire lo sfruttamento petrolifero di 200mila ettari di foresta da parte della 'Compañia General de Combustibles' (Cgc), impresa argentina associata alla statunitense 'Chevron-Texaco' . La settimana scorsa, infatti, il presidente Lucio Gutierrez ha confermato la validita' del contratto firmato nel 1986 con la Cgc. A piu' riprese i Kishwa hanno ricordato che la firma del contratto venne apposta senza il consenso degli abitanti.

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Bush e Chevron-Texaco
by Naja Friday, Jan. 30, 2004 at 4:06 PM mail:

As ChevronTexaco -- notorious for its close links to the Bush administration
-- begins to ship Iraqi oil into its Richmond refinery, many Bay area
residents are accusing the Bush administration of using the occupation to
strengthen U.S. corporate control of Middle Eastern oil. ChevronTexaco's
profits have quadrupled over the last three-month period to $1.6 billion
dollars as a result of war-inflated oil prices.

Bush critics point to Presidential Executive Order 13303, as further
evidence of Big Oil's influence on U.S. foreign policy. The order, which
exempts U.S. oil companies from any liability for environmental, human
rights or other abuses related to their handling of Iraqi oil, was passed
with almost no media attention earlier this summer.

"It's clear the Bush administration has deceived the American public about
the motivations for the invasion of Iraq. No weapons of mass destruction
have been found, no solid evidence of Al-Qaeda links have emerged, but the
flow of Iraqi oil has begun into ChevronTexaco's California refinery. Are
U.S. soldiers risking their lives and American taxpayers footing a mounting
billion dollar a week bill so that Chevron can make record profits?" asked
Gulf War veteran and Oakland businessman Eric Shaw.

ChevronTexaco's Richmond refinery has become the subject of public health
and environmental justice concerns because of hundreds of accidents,
including major fires, explosions, and toxic gas releases. Life-long
Richmond resident and Director of the West County Toxics Coalition Dr. Henry
Clarke explains, "ChevronTexaco is a toxic terrorist who is poisoning people
and ecosystems around the world. Our community vowed that we would not
silently allow stolen Iraqi oil to be processed in Richmond.. We intend to
stop this criminal corporation from profiting off war and toxic pollution."


The following companies were the largest donors to the Republican party election campaign 2000, it excludes trade bodies or associations.

These figures are based on the official information provided by The Federal Election Commission of the United States. This information is available on the web site of The Center for Responsive Politics, a non-partisan, non-profit research group based in Washington, D.C. that tracks money in politics, and its effect on elections and public policy:

MBNA $3.0m
Philip Morris $2.9m
Microsoft $2.4m
AT&T $2.4m
UPS $2.3m
Bristol Myers Squibb $2.1m
Verizon $2.0m
Pfizer $1.9m
SBC $1.9m
Enron $1.8m
Citigroup $1.8m
Federal Express $1.7m
Time Warner/AOL $1.6m
Credit Suisse $1.6m
Ernst & Young $1.5m
UST $1.5m
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter $1.5m
Lockheed Martin $1.5m
Union Pacific $1.5m
Freddie Mac $1.4m
Bell South $1.4m
Glaxo Wellcome $1.3m
Amway $1.3m
Price W'house Coopers $1.3m
Deloite & Touche $1.3m
Eli Lily $1.3m
Goldman Sachs $1.2m
Anderson W'wide $1.2m
Merrill Lynch $1.2m
Exxon Mobil $1.2m
WorldCom Inc $1.2m
Lehman Brothers $1.1m
International Paper $1.1m
General Electric $1.1m
Global Crossing $1.1m
MGM Mirage $1.1m
Koch $1.0m
Aflac $1.0m
Paine Webber $1.0m
American $1.0m
Financial Gp
Boeing $1.0m
Southern Co $1.0m
Ltd Inc $950k
BP Amoco $950k
KPMG $900k
Am'can Airlines $900k
Schering Plough $900k
Williamson $880k
Bank Pharmacia/Upjohn $850k
One $850k
Qwest $850k
Anheuser Busch $850k
Cintas Corp $828k
MandalayResort Gp $810k
Lehman Bros $810k
Reynolds Tobacco $810k
Fannie Mae $800k
Bank of America $800k
American Int Gp $800k
GAF $800k
Chevron Texaco $800k<---------------
Paso $790k
CSX $770k
Burlington North $770k
General Dynamics $750k
American $740k
Home Prods
Joseph Seagram $740k
PepsiCo $720k
Chase Manhatten $700k
FPL Group $685k
Prudential $900k
USX Corp $650k
Northwest Airlines $650k
Aventis $650k
First Energy $640k
Reliant Energy $640k
Walt Disney $640k
WalMart $630k
Cisco Systems $630k
Texas Utilities $630k
AEI Resources $630k
Westwood One $620k
Amgen $600k
K Mart $590k
UAL Corp $570k
Home Depot $560k
Duchossois Inds $550k
Archer Daniels Midland $530k
Edison Int'l $530k
Ford $510k
General Motors $510k
Daimler Chrysler $500k

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