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OGGI, lunedì 23 sett, PRESIDIO PER LA PALESTINA A MILANO, h. 18.00 Europa !!!
by ZonAttiva @ Cantiere Monday, Sep. 23, 2002 at 1:39 AM mail:

PRESIDIO/MANIFESTAZIONE a MILANO Per la PACE in PALESTINA Lunedì 23 Settembre H. 18.00 C/o Europa Uff. del Turismo Israeliani

Bozza di volantino/appello per il PRESIDIO di domani

lunedì 23 settembre,




Lunedì 23 Settembre H. 18.00

C/o Europa Uff. del Turismo Israeliani


“lasciateLI in Pace”

“A metà mattina un tank israeliano ha sparato una cannonata contro l’edificio. Eravamo nella stanza con Arafat. Ha tremato tutto. I vetri sono andati in frantumi. Dal soffitto sono piovuti frammenti e calcinacci. Il Raìs aveva una pila di documenti sulla scrivania: in un attimo sono volati via. La cannonata era molto vicina, lui poteva essere colpito…”

Colpiti, invece, siamo noi!

Colpiti dall’indifferenza dei Governi, dal cinismo dei potenti, dal disinteresse generale.

Il popolo palestinese vive il proprio dramma nel silenzio assordante delle cannonate e nel cigolio tragico delle ruspe. Il Presidente palestinese è solo, sospeso senza scale verso la pace. Solo come il proprio popolo, decimato dai proiettili dell’indifferenza, che vede morire la speranza di vivere nel proprio territorio senza piangere ogni giorno.

Anche noi siamo rinchiusi nella palazzina bombardata, anche noi vediamo sventolare la bandiera palestinese fatta a brandelli dal vostro silenzio, anche noi vediamo i bracci meccanici delle ruspe che graffiano appena la vostra indifferenza, ma distruggono le nostre vite.

Siamo anche noi dei bambini senza sorrisi, siamo delle madri senza figli e delle famiglie senza casa, siamo ragazzi e ragazze senza libri, siamo persone senza lavoro.

Siamo profughi senza terra e libertà, senza diritti e dignità!

Anche noi siamo in questo mondo, ma non siamo di questo mondo sordo e cieco che calpesta sangue e ingiustizie, bisogni e diritti.

Non vogliamo vivere nel buio della vostra indifferenza, non vogliamo ululare insieme ai lupi della pace fatta con la guerra, non vogliamo vedere morire un popolo recluso in una stanza senza finestre.

Vogliamo gridare la nostra sofferenza!

Vi chiediamo di “Lasciare in Pace” il popolo palestinese.





… la raccolta delle PARTECIPAZIONI è in corso…

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Incominciavo a preoccuparmi del silenzio
by hck Monday, Sep. 23, 2002 at 1:59 AM mail:

Ricordiamoci dei refusniks. Nessun altro esercito al mondo ha avuto uno scontro interno così grosso, e loro sono la testimonianza vivente degli errori dello Stato di Israele.

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Notizie dell'altra fronte israeliana
by Tom Welschen Monday, Sep. 23, 2002 at 8:29 AM mail:

Here’s the latest update on imprisoned refuseniks:

Newly Jailed

· Cpl. Noam Levy (19) a conscript in the artillery corps, sentenced to 28 days at Prison 4 for refusing to serve in the occupied territories (September 12th)

· Staff Sgt. Ran Tene (33) a married reservist, sentenced to 35 days at Prison 6 for refusing to serve in the occupied territories (September 12th)

· Oren Ya’akabovitz (30) an infantry officer in the reserves, sentenced to 24 days at Prison 6 for refusing to serve in the occupied territories (September 15th)

· Staff Sgt. Amit Brook (25) a reservist, sentenced to 14 days at Prison 6 for refusing to serve in the occupied territories (September 18th). Amit was also in jail for 28 days in April 2002.

· Nir Evron (sorry for the lack of details), a reservist who was jailed on September 18th


Ro’i Berlin was released on September 13th

Ophir Bedusa was released on September 15th

Still in Jail

Jonathan Ben-Artzi, Uri Ya’akobi (both in Prison 4), Yoni Yehezkel (in Prison 6)

Supporting Them

Come to the solidarity Sukkah that the Shministim are organizing at Prison 6 from September 26 – 28.
Write letters of support to the jailed refuseniks:
Letters should be sent to: PO Box 16238 Tel Aviv Israel

E-Mails to:

Send letters of protest to the Military Prisons. It is important that you specify that you protest the imprisonment of a specific refusenik:
Commander of Military Prison No. 6,
Military Prison No. 6,
Military postal number 01860,
Fax: ++972-4-869-28-84

Commander of Military Prison No. 4,
Military Prison No. 4,
Military postal number 02507,
Fax: ++972-3-957-52-76

Join or start an adoption group (for info contact:
Donate to Keren Yesh Gvul which provides financial support to jailed refuseniks and their families (for info contact:

Finally, here’s a link to a prison diary written by Shahar Smooha who was in prison during August.

Ram Rahat-Goodman – Dan Tamir


Tsomet Megiddo, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 25-26, 2002

Women Crossing the Borders of Oppression and Racism

We, Jewish and Arab women, stand together facing the horrors of occupation and discrimination that cause the dehumanization of Israeli society.
Years of occupation and oppression encourage the emergence of racism and dehumanization, also with regard to the Palestinian citizens of the State of Israel.
Racism doesn't stop at the Green Line!

Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2002, 17:00 - Racism Inside our Home

Opening: Dr. Annat Matar, University of Tel Aviv
Three discussion groups, on different perspectives on racism in Israel, and its dangers:
* Racism and Dehumanization - Dehumanization and delegitimization of the other
Ilana Sugabker-Mesika, Achoti and the Women's Community School
Miryam Abu-Husein, Bat Shalom
* Racism and "Home" - "Home" under the threat of "transfer"
Tagrid Shbeita, WILPF
Sonia Zarchi, Bat Shalom
* Fear and Racism - Origins of fear and mistrust
Dr. Adena Aviram, New Profile and the Coalition of Women for a Just Peace
Nisreen Mazawi, Bat Shalom

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2002 - Occupation and Racism: Avenues for Struggle

10:00: Professor Cynthia Cockburn, City University of London
Dialogue Across the Green Line - Women's Joint Activism in Cyprus

17:00: Panel with local women activists, including:
Areen Hawari, Palestinian Activist from Balad
Yuli Harmuchenko, Journalist, Activist from Indymedia
Yali Hashash-Daniel, NESHAMA
Palestinian Representative, TBA, The Jerusalem Center for Women
Edna Zaretsky-Toledano, Bat Shalom

Protest Vigil against the occupation and racism, each day: 16:00 - 17:00
The evening discussions will take place from 17:00-19:30
Women are invited to stay over in the area Wednesday night. Lodging will be arranged if requested in advance.


'A Just Peace and a Just Democracy'
Feminist Activists Defining Political, Social & Economic Justice

Areen Hawari
Vered Madar
Maha Abu Dayyeh-Shamas

Bat Shalom is a feminist peace organization working toward a just peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Bat Shalom, together with The Jerusalem Center for Women, a Palestinian women's peace organization, comprise The Jerusalem Link. Visit our web site for more information and our latest activities:
The end of this month will mark two years since the events of October 2000

Two years after October 2000, when the police shot at demonstrators in Arab localities killing thirteen of their number, the Arab minority in Israel is under attack. A concerted onslaught by the government combines with rising tides of racism to erode their status as citizens of Israel. Stripping Israeli Arabs of their citizenship, the resurrection of the "demographics committee", house demolitions, the spraying of crops, the discrimination in allocation of resources, most particularly to children, the measures hindering Arab MKs' from carrying out their parliamentary work, the the tarring of entire communities as "engaging in hostile activity", the "land-swap" initiatives that would leave Arab localities on the other side of the border, the posters seen all over the place calling for deportation of Arab citizens, all these comprise an alarming trend of marginalizing Arab citizens further than ever before.

Now is the time to remind Israel: Citizenship is not some kind of reward for pleasing the powers that be, nor is it contingent on "fulfillment of duties". Citizenship is a fundamental right, and so is equality. In the face of discrimination and segregation we will assert our right to live here together as equals.

This is Ta'ayush' message on Saturday, Sept. 28th, the day designated by Higher Arab Monitoring Committee for commemorating the events of October 2000.

Details on the contents and location of the event will be published here as they become available. Please reserve the last Saturday in September.

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