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FOTO - Indonesia: 200mila in piazza chiedono processo contro Suharto
by zed Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 11:58 AM mail:

Suharto č considerato da molti come il fautore del regime piu' corrotto e brutale della storia recente.

A student protesting against former Indonesian dictator Suharto clashes with police during a demonstration Saturday May 20, 2006 in Surabaya, Indonesia's second largest city. Indonesia's anti-corruption agency said Saturday it might bring former dictator Suharto to trial on graft charges, as students rallied across the nation demanding the hospitalized ex-leader face justice for alleged human rights crimes and corruption.(AP Photo/Trisnadi)
A protester wearing a Suharto mask clutches the bars of a cage during a demonstration against the ailing ex-dictator Sunday, May 21, 2006 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The protesters demanded that Suharto face trial, eight years after the man regarded as one of the most corrupt and brutal leaders in recent history was ousted amid massive pro-democracy protests. (AP Photo/Irwin Fedriansyiah)
Protesters wearing Suharto masks and black capes demonstrate against the ailing ex-dictator Sunday, May 21, 2006 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The protesters demanded that Suharto face trial, eight years after the man regarded as one of the most corrupt and brutal leaders in recent history was ousted amid massive pro-democracy protests. (AP Photo/Irwin Fedriansyiah)

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