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Theories On How Wars Are Created, We Are Killing Each Other Per It or Their Delusions
by Osso Ramdella Sandel.Kurt Brown..St. Ram Bo Monday, Jul. 24, 2006 at 9:13 PM mail:

Having watched our kind kill and maim each other my entire life, I, a former bank examiner and criminal hunter, have come up with a breaking theory on how we are made to fight. I have a test for those of us in the flesh to catch those who are not us.



In contemplating the past and those moments where I thought I was different than others to the point that we were different animals, and to the point now that I suspect at times a projecting in of matter or delusion of matter and my and our opponent.  I speak of my and our as in the flesh, true humans, not of any particular race, but of the true flesh, of the here and now.  This is pure conjecture and theory and other theoreticians physicists and super elementary card players and visionaries of the war weapons used against our kind in the flesh, the here and now may have to explore this idea further.

I am speaking of the response time that will allow us to test those or it around us.  A time delay exists when projecting a response from space or the phase of phase fields.  For instance, imagine a being or a simulation of a being or even a tricking of your mind to have you see something or someone.  If there is any delay whatsoever, and you are aware of it, you will be able to test that person or being.  Of course, there is always the possibility their response time could be slow due to the synapses of their brain being configured so that they are naturally slower, either due to birth shape or due to brain damage.

This is a common sense test and we have seen it on game shows, and even the stupid could simulate a quick pre-calculated response, knowing they would not know the answer.  As long as they beat the other to the buzzer or across the start line, their illusion of being in the flesh could be simulated. 

The test I propose is thus:  Have people or persons line up and tell them to push a button as soon as a light turns green and not before.  Under no circumstance are they to press the button before the light turns green.  If they do, they are disqualified and automatically made suspect, and tell them that on the third try, if they hit the response button before the light turns green they will be executed.  That would stop any intelligent life from beyond from faking a response in this test.  A long drawn out time could elapse before the light turns green or a short time.  It would not matter as long as the true humans stayed alert and cognizant.  Their minds are there and the only time difference for them is the time it takes for the visual image or light to move at the speed of light, strike the retina of the human eye, and then most importantly, the time it takes for the visual stimuli to be processed by the occipital lobe of the brain and for the frontal lobe to coordinate a reaction in the other parts of the brain to press the button. 

If anyone or thing was at a remote distance, either controlling an individual or if that individual was simulated or if that individual was made to be a figment of your imagination, it would take time for those response times to be transmitted between the controller of that individual or apparition at a distance and the time it takes for them to respond, at least twice as long.  I noticed this effect when I was playing football as a child.  Some of the players were slow to respond to the hiking of the ball, or the moving from the center to the quarterback.  The rule was thus: as soon as the ball moved, you could knock the offensive lineman down.  I was given several penalty flags and I always played by the rule and the ball was always in the quarterbacks hands or on its way when I pushed the lineman.  I actually had to delay my attack until it was in the hands of the quarterback to keep from getting the penalty flag.

This is our opponents weakness.  We can test a group of individuals and those who are absurdly slow will be suspect.  The USA government has likely been taken over. The world  may be in that complete state of seizure.  If so, we will have the delay effect in time in our favor in identifying those of our flesh and those who are not in ridding ourselves of the enemy to mankind.

We should be free from the planet, have space colonies, and living harmoniously, but we are not.  We are imprisoned, robbed, and enslaved and degraded by those same government and corporate controlled entities who are supposed to help us.  The saying today about them is that they grease us up, which means they allegedly help us, and then they screw us hard, meaning they then turn upon us and subjugate us into the eternal lower caste.  India has a caste system or did and their behavior is entrenched to the point that many of them accept their plight.  I accept nothing.  We accept nothing.  We may have to design our defense systems to counteract it or them or we may have to learn to use our own minds to control those things beyond our apparent flesh. Perhaps greater beings or a being is observing, but the question becomes do we help ourselves or wait to see if we deserve or warrant help and assistance in this or these matters. 

Creator we pray to the outer realm, help us stave off the suffering of our kind, even if it means our complete destruction as can be seen in the collapse and puncture of the planet the humans of Earth now call Saturn, crushed and pulverized with its oceans in the outer rings, frozen solid with other humans who may have fought back against the imprisoning force of things or beings or men with no conscience in intelligent beings abuse and subjugation.  Do not fear death.  It is better than life in a living Hell as many of us experience in this flesh, in this world. 

Some say Israel should be boycotted (the Canadian federal union CUPE voted for this, and I wonder about the structure of that union just like the NTEU) for apartheid and stealing land.  But, there is likely a mix of human flesh on both sides of the wall, and they have been deceived.  That is the nature of this enemy.  He or it moves among you, lubricates you good, and then crushes you.  I no longer salute the American flag of the United States.  The regime that is in power has betrayed me and our kind.  I may want it or its controllers head sent to me in the space colonies, and I may not want to see it, only its constituent elements in atomic form, separated, so that it can be analyzed and the extract of certain unique materials known so it can be detected when its progenitor shows up the next time with ashes to claim from us in the war time.  Do not fear death as even that is not what you think it is.  Stench of dead flesh smells like grapes of harvest to the flies, which is just another part of the greater consciousness or the greater illusion or delusion.


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