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by Global Roots Friday, Dec. 13, 2002 at 12:22 PM mail:

This night Danish police arrested a number of Italian activists in Copenhagen. The activists have that in common that they are all spokespersons from different parts of the Italian movement of disobedients and have been taking part in the mobilisation for the ongoing protests at the EU-summit in Copenhagen

Pil Christensen From Global Roots says:

- It is hardly coincidental that the police – out of a large group of people – chooses to arrest exactly those who have represented the movement in public and are known faces in Italy and internationally. We urge the police to respect the constitutional right of speech and to stop their one-sided escalation.

Among the arrested are Luca Casarini from Movimento dei Disobbedienti, The Movement of Disobedients, who have functioned as a spokesperson during and after the protests at the G8-meeting in Genoa 2001.

Danish police are engaging in the same form of systematic attacks on the right to protest as was seen in Genoa and which appears to be symptomatic for the Fortress Europe, which is under construction.

- This is a political conflict on in spite of provocations the police will not succeed in turning the protests into a civil war. We are still fighting for another world that can offer a life in dignity to people around the planet, says Pil Christensen from Global Roots.

The arrested are:

Massimiliano Gallob
Michele Valentini
Riccardo Varotto
Paolo Do
Enrico Casagrande
Luca Casarini

Freedom of movement!
Freedom for all!

Today in ten Italian cities t there will be actions and demonstrations at the Danish embassy and Danish consulates between 2 and 4 pm.

Global Roots 13.12.02

Our website, is currently unreachable due to massive hacking and a politically motivated police raid on the hosting company.

In Copenhagen a massaction is taking place near the summit area.

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