Indymedia Italia

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su indymedia israel
by commenti Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003 at 9:47 PM mail:

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Rachel was a beloved member of our community in Olympia, Washinton. She was so mush more than this article and her photo reveal, and we will miss her smile, her courage, her talented writing terribly. However, I believe that she would have wanted this to shed light on the system of brutality that killed her and so many other innocent people. She was not anti-semetic, and those who defend the IDF's genocidal operations (or the U.S.'s military support) with the lame excuse that protesters are "anti-semetic" are only brutalizing themselves and the memory of others who died in all-too-recent, state sponsored genocidal campaigns. Or has 60 years been enough time to forget?

This is from one of her first emails home to Olympia from Rafah. "...Even then you are always well aware that your experience of it is not at all the reality: what with the difficulties the Israeli Army would face of they shot an unarmed US citizen, and with the fact that I have money to buy water when the army destroys wells, and the fact, of course, that I have the option of leaving. Nobody in my family has been shot, driving in their car, by a rocket launcher from a tower at the end of a major street in my hometown. I have a home. I am allowed to go see the ocean. Ostensibly it is still quite difficicult for me to be held for months or years on end without a trial (this because I am a white US citizen, as opposed to so many others). When I leave for school or work I can be relatively certain that there will not be a heavily armed soldier waiting half way between mud bay and downtown olympia at a checkpoint with the power to decide whether I can go about my business, and whether I can get home again when I'm done. So, if I feel outrage at arriving and entering briefly and incompletely into the world in which these children exist, I wonder conversely about how it would be for them to arrive in my world.

They know that children in the United States don't usually have their parents shot and sometimes get to see the ocean. But once you have seen the ocean and lived in a silent place, where water is taken for granted and not stolen in the night by bulldozers, and spent an evening when you didn't wonder if the walls of your home might suddenly fall inward waking you from your sleep, and met people who have never lost anyone-- once you have experienced the reality of a world that isn't surrounded by murderous towers, tanks, armed "settlements" and now a giant metal wall, I wonder if you can forgive the world for all the years of your childhood spent existing--just existing-- in resistance to the constant stranglehold of the worlds fourth largest military apparatus--backed by the worlds only superpower-- in its attempt to erase you from your home. That is something I wonder about these children. I wonder what would happen if they really knew."

We love you Rachel, and we'll try to honor your memory as best we can by continuing to fight for justice.

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