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by Yerafis Monday, Apr. 07, 2003 at 9:45 PM mail:

Violenze torture uccisioni sioniste ai danni di ebrei anti sionisti

rabbino_massacrato_a_botte.jpg, image/jpeg, 408x273

Visitate la seguente pagina e leggete la lista degli ebrei antisionisti assassinati dagli infami sionisti,molti di loro erano rabbini,grazie:

These photos demonstrate the lengths to which the Zionist regime will go to persecute Jews opposed to Zionism. These reflect only a number of the many instances in which loyal anti-Zionist Jews are subject to relentless oppression if they speak up against the actions of the Zionist State. Recently a number of anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews have been sent to jail for refusal to submit to Zionist intimidation and coercion. These photos also give a sense of why many Jews who oppose Zionism are subject to intimidation to the extent that many are reluctant to demonstrate their opposition to Zionism publicly.

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