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Terrorista palestinese faceva parte delle brigate Al-Aksa (controllate da al-Fatah)
by Al Fato Thursday, Apr. 24, 2003 at 2:18 PM mail:

Il "povero" Arraffat (solo 6to nella classifica dei + ricchi del mondo, secondo Forbes magazine) continua a mandare kamikaze perche' vuole la pace.

Apr. 24, 2003
Report: Bomber sent by Arafat-linked Al Aksa Brigades

The suicide bomber at the Kfar Sava train station Thursday morning was dispatched by the Al Aksa Brigades, which have links with Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, Israel Radio reports.

The report identifies the terrorists as Ahmed Khatib, 18, of Balata refugee camp near the West Bank city of Nablus.

Khatib arrived at the train station on an Egged bus, no. 9 from Kfar Sava, the radio said.

According to police, he wore a belt packed with five to 10 kgs. of explosives which he detonated at the entrance to the new Kfar Sava train station, killing himself and a security guard. Another guard was seriously wounded.

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