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Palestinesi sabotano la Pace
by Sparviero Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2003 at 10:07 AM mail:

Tel Aviv: kamikaze esplode in un supermercato

GERUSALEMME - Un attentato suicida ha devastato un supermercato di Rosh Hàayin, località nel centro d'Israele situata vicino a Tel Aviv. Ci sono almeno un morto, oltre all'attentatore, e dieci feriti. La violentissima esplosione ha interrotto un periodo di relativa calma, rarissimo nei quasi tre anni della rivolta palestinese sospesa dal 29 giugno dopo il cessate il fuoco di tre mesi proclamato unilateralmente dai prinicpali gruppi radicali. Ma Hamas aveva minacciato di voler vendicare la morte di due suoi militanti uccisi in un raid israeliano a Nablus venerdì scorso. In precedenza la radio aveva riferito che secondo i servizi di informazione in questo momento sono in preparazione 21 attentati anti israeliani, un dato in netta crescita rispetto alle scorse settimane.

(12 agosto 2003)

At least 2 Israelis dead in separate blasts in Ariel and Rosh Ha'ayin

By Roni Singer, Jonathan Lis and Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondents, and Haaretz Service

At least one Israeli was killed and two people
seriously wounded Tuesday morning in an explosion
in Ariel, in the West Bank, that took place about
an hour after a suicide bombing killed at least
one person and wounded at least 10, four of them
seriously, at the entrance to a Rosh Ha'ayin
shopping center.

A suicide bomber set off the
explosive device strapped to
his body when he saw three
young Israelis at a bus stop on
the road heading from Ariel
toward Tel Aviv, said Ariel
mayor Ron Nahman. One Israeli
and the bomber were killed, and
two people were seriously

Police had earlier said they thought the
suspicious-looking bomber may have been shot
and that the firing had set off the bomb.

At Rosh Ha'ayin, next to the Green Line, a
suicide bomber activated an explosive device
strapped to his body at the entrance to a
pharmacy called New Pharm. Police said the
blast was small, but it led to a fire that
burned down several stores.

Police found two corpses in the Neve Afek
shopping center, that of a victim and the
suicide bomber. The approximately 10 people who
were wounded, including four who suffered
serious injuries, have been taken to the Sharon
anBeilinson hospitals in Petah Tikva, which is
west of Rosh Ha'ayin.

This is the first terror attack to take place in
Rosh Ha'ayin.

Police blocked the area off and were conducting
checks on cars.

A short time earlier, police went on high alert
in the Sharon region due to reports of a
terrorist infiltrating the region.

Palestinian militant organizations have recently
been threatening that they will no longer hold
by the cease-fire they had signed. Security
services reported Tuesday they had received 21
warnings of terror attacks.

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