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Another Shakedown!! This Wall MUST Fall
by The International Solidarity Movement Thursday, Sep. 04, 2003 at 3:24 PM mail:

Another Shakedown!! This Wall Must Fall Weekend of Action Against the Wall

Another Shakedown!! ...
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Another Shakedown!! This Wall Must Fall

Weekend of Action Against the Wall

Where: Tulkarem Region, West Bank, Occupied Palestine


Friday, September 5 Faroun Village (Near Jbarra checkpoint)

1:00pm: Palestinian farmers will mass at the village mosque and march to a gate in the Wall, where, for many months, the Israeli Military has denied them access to their land on the other side. If soldiers refuse access again, villagers will demand their rights and, with international support, will try to shake the gate down.

Saturday, September 6, Tulkarem City

12:30pm: Palestinian, Israeli and international women will converge at the Wall, painting messages of freedom along with performing other actions against this concrete barrier. This is the first-ever jointly-organized Palestinian and Israeli women’s demonstration against the Wall.

Sunday, September 7, Baka Sharqia, Nazlit’isa, and Nazlit Abu Nar

10am: Villagers from three communities that will be completely caged in by the Wall will march from the construction site of the secondary wall to a gate in the primary wall which is manned by soldiers 24 -hours a day. Demonstration participants have vowed to hold open the checkpoint between these villages and the rest of the West Bank to allow for freedom of movement during the demonstration. These 3 villages, consisting of 6,700 people, will soon become an open-air prison, as the “security” wall is being built both to the east and west of the village, creating a literal ghetto.

These non-violent, direct actions will 1) draw international attention to how the wall is strangling the Palestinians, and 2) directly confront the existence of the Wall.

In the Tulkarem region alone, Israel has confiscated over 33,000 dunums (8,100 acres) of land, along with 26 water wells for what Israel claims to be a “security” barrier. For over a year now, construction of the Wall has severely constricted Palestinian farmers, students and medical personnel. Although the Wall contains a series of gates allegedly constructed as access routes, these gates have largely been closed and locked for several months, forcing families to lose their livelihoods and denying Palestinians any semblance of normalty.

Volunteers from the International Solidarity Movement and the International Women’s Peace Service will join with Palestinian communities, Palestinian and Israeli human rights groups along with Palestinian political parties, to demonstrate against Israel’s creation of Palestinian ghettos and their subsequent ethnic cleansing.

These three days of action continue this summer’s nonviolent "actions against the Wall." The Israel Military has responded to such peaceful demonstrations with excessive force; including teargas, percussion grenades, rubber-coated steel bullets and beating international peace activists.

For more information call:
Abdel Karim Dalbah (Arabic) – 055474066 or 059836783
Flo Razowsky (English) – 064309753 or 067361708
Radhika Sainath (English or Spanish) - 065203596

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