Indymedia Italia

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Miami, attivista di Indymedia in carcere
by NO FTAA Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003 at 7:49 PM mail:

Justin Lipson di Indymedia Video (New York) e' stato aggredito con spray chimici irritanti e incarcerato per essersi rifiutato di smettere di riprendere durante le manifestazioni di protesta a Miami contro il FTAA

Justin Lipson of Indymedia Video, NYC was pepper sprayed while shooting video and subsequently attacked when he refused police orders to stop shooting. They confiscated his camera. He probably tried to hold onto it as a true indymedia journalist would. He is being charge with felony counts of resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer. He is also being held in the Dade county jail.

Please call and demand his release. He is being charged a ridiculous 10,000 bail - and with the suspension of a speedy trial clause, can be held for weeks until he gets to see a judge.

What a load of shit. The police claim to have reacted pre-emptively to avoid the "violence" that occured in Seattle, but all they are really doing is terrorizing and brutally attacking people. Notice that the corporate press expresses no solidarity when indymedia journalists are attacked.

The fascist bitches want to crush dissent and we are not even allowed to document it, nor is it accurately reported. We must come up with a pre-emptive strategy to confront their capacity for violence and assert our selves somehow.

Justin was doing his part when he got attacked. Please stand with our brave and committed friend. Call the Dade County Jail and demand that his $10,000 bail be eliminated. They like to make examples out of us, so we must stand together... and learn to fight back.

I thank everyone who went down to Florida to stand up to 500 years of genocide and destruction... and now, this intensifying militarized repression.

Please take a moment to call the following numbers and let the fuckers know what you think.

Dade County Jail - Gestapo Headquarters

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