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totale arresti a new york: 256 su circa 6.000 critical mass riders
by saigon Saturday, Aug. 28, 2004 at 10:52 AM mail:

arrestati 256 massacritici a New York contro bush: domenica succederà un finimondo visto che il tribunale ha negato ai manifestanti Central Park concedendo invece l'autostrada periferica-idea di bloomberg

New York's Critical Mass kicked off a week of action against the RNC - Upwards of 6,000 bicyclists descended on New York's Streets snarling traffic throughout Times Square and the East Village. Police Altercations - It is reported that a total of 256 member of Critical Mass were arrested. Police surrounded approx 100 bicyclists after they got past Times Sq. Police also attacked and arrested an undetermed amount of bicyclists in front of St. Marks Church later in the evening.

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