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Israeliani gente onesta nonché profondamente amante della pace.
by Squalo Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 3:11 PM mail:

questo mentre bush la settimana passata aveva chiesto ai gangsters israeliani di fermare per un po' la costruzione di nuove secondo articolo della BBC svela come si divertono gli assassini delle IDF...

Israeliani gente one...
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Israel plan for new settler homes

Israel has announced plans to build more homes in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank.

This comes a week after US President George W Bush called
on Israel to stop all settlement expansion in line with
commitments made under the roadmap...

..."I really enjoyed it," he said. "It was the first time that we were in an 'advance storm' situation, like in our training exercises".
"And we acted flawlessly. Weperformed superbly."
The soldier added that several of his comrades kept shooting at one of the bodies, "punching holes in it"...

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