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La tecnologia di controllo metereologico potrebbe aver influenzato e diretto l'uragano Kat
by Bufo Farciufo Sunday, Sep. 04, 2005 at 3:24 PM mail:

Ivan e Katrina: questi sono nomi che suonano molto Russi...Katrina č stata guidata lungo il suo percorso che abbiamo visto tutti...risultato nel massimo danno all'infrastruttura energetica, dei trasporti a sulla psiche di quelli che abiteranno in zone vulnerabili negli anni a venire. Oh New Orleans!

Parla Scott Stevens, un metereologo č stato Coast to Coast. Non ti aspetteresti un tipo "cospirativo" ma i crescenti segni di manipolazione climatica l'hanno condotto a questo.

Going to the home-site will give added general information about weather manipulation.'

The Tsunami that was Katrina
August 30, 2005

Ivan and Katrina

These are both very Russian sounding names. It has been established that the former Soviet Union (fSU) developed and boasted of weather modification technology during the 1960's and 70's with deployment against the United States coming in 1976 with the audible arrival of the woodpecker grid. These weather operations continue to this day.

I have posted this page FAR sooner than I would like to have. I would like to have had the post mortem of Katrina from the National Hurricane Center to work from as well as a little time/distance from the events of this week so that perspective can be maintained. I will continue to update and add to this page in the days ahead.

This nation has not faced an economic crisis like the one that Katrina will spark in the days and months ahead. But that is one of the reasons Katrina was guided along the path that we all watched. This path has resulted in maximum damage to the energy infrastructure, transportation infrastructure and to the psyche of those that are susceptible to further storms this year and in the years to follow. Oh New Orleans!

I fully expect one more 'event' this year to impact the United States. My gut feeling is that it will be an earthquake >7.7 in magnitude with insured losses to exceed $25 billion. That number should have been less but presently real estate is far overvalued.

Protect your family's wealth with precious metals as the cascading effects from this disaster and from poor government fiscal management, will have just begun to be felt.

My prayers go out to all who need a helping hand in the very difficult times ahead. The amount of social change that this storm has begun to unleash upon the fabric of American society has not yet been grasped by the media, but then what's new!

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Altri links:

Could weather control technology have affected or led to Hurricane Katrina?

Spunti di stanotte:

Katrina: NWO plans for martial law in advance.

New Orleans: The Strategy for World Government

Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating Method

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