Those comrades who can and want to give a contribution to other comrades imprisoned by the G8 inquire, can pay into the
c/c # 37158185 - "Circolo culturale biblioteca libertaria F. Ferrer" - Piazza Embriaci 5 - 13 - 16123 (Genova)
 liberi_tutt.gif, image/gif, 348x314
Remember, it's really important signing the motive "Pro CADS" (that means "For Social and Defence Anarchic Committee"); if you want that the money go totally to the comrades imprisoned, please sign the motive "Pro CADS/detenuti". Below you'll find jails addresses where Marina and Vincenzo are imprisoned; we invite you and write to them, just to let them feel they're not alone resisting to every pressure coming from the state power. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marina Cugnaschi Carcere Fem. Di Pontedecimo Via Coni Zugna - 16164 Genova -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vincenzo Vecchi Carcere di marassi Piazzale Marassi - 16139 Genova -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLDING OUT AGAINST STATE TERRORISM MARINA AND VINCENZO FREE NOW! EVERYBODY FREE. DELETE, DAY AFTER DAY, THE JAIL SOCIETY. Comitato Anarchico di Difesa e Solidarietą