Strategie mediatiche
Coerentemente con le scelte prese ieri sera a bussoleno, la protesta anti tav deve spostarsi sul fronte olimpico. Ritengo opportuno al fine di rovinare la festa iniziare da subito il lavoro mediatico che evidenzi le colossali lacune organizzative, ed anche la possibilità che urlante l'evento grossi fastidi possano arrivare dalle proteste della popolazione valsusisna a causa del progetto TAV.
Per ottenere questo, come dicevo in precedenti post, dobbiamo fomentare la già presente antipatia verso Torino 2006 caratterizante la stampa inglese, svizzera e francese.
Ho preparato una lettera. Non racconta nessuna bugia ma illumina bene la situazione attuale. Mandiamola alle redazioni di giornali esteri. Loro sapranno come strumentalizzarla al meglio. Torino 2006 vanta già una pessima immagine. Diamolgi ancora un colpetto.
Dear Director,
As many people all around the world I’m sure that you completely ignore the fact that next February 2006 the Olimpyc Winter Games will take place in Torino (Italy). Is it not so? As an Italian citizen who lives in Torino I feel shame for the actual situation regarding the event organization.
Some examples will show you how bad is the work which has been done by the organizers until now. - Not so many efforts have been put by TOROC (the local organising board) to improve the "chilled feeling" which the Turinese and the Piedmontese feel for the Olimpic games. - Several budget problems have risen, and a big hole in the funding is increasing day by day, another tipical Italian waste of public resources. - Part of the new Olimpic sites, for example the brand new bob track in Cesana Torinese, will be discarded at the end of official games because thoroughly unfit and oversized for the normal sport activity of that mountain resort. - A large number of Susa Valley inhabitants have promised that will use the Olympic venues and events to convey their strong protest against the TAV project, a high speed train line which will destroy part of the natural environment in that area.
These are only few example of the huge problems that our useless organizers will be facing. Moreover I would also stress out that only 100 days separe these coming disasters from the Games' official start.
Best Regards Yours