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ucciso un cameramen palestinese a Nablus
by info Monday, Apr. 28, 2003 at 4:18 AM mail:

Nablus: Assasinio di Nazih Darwazeh, cameramen di Palestine TV

La vittima questa volta si chiama Nazih Darwazeh, un cameraman che lavorava
per Palestine TV e per Associated Press.
Nazih Darwazeh é stato ucciso da un soldato israeliano che si trovava a
dieci metri da lui. L'assassino gli ha sparato direttamente in faccia
uccidendolo all'istante e facendo schizzare tutt'intorno il suo cervello in
brandelli, tra i colleghi giornalisti che stavano facendo il loro lavoro
per testimoniare della nuova invasione di Nablus, questa mattina presto.
Nazih era padre di quattro bambini, il più piccolo ha quattro mesi. I
medici che lo hanno accolto ormai morto all'ospedale dicono che la
pallottola che lo ha ucciso è di quelle a frammentazione che si rompono in
molti pezzi non appena entrano nel corpo umano.
Meno di due settimane fa Nazih era stato fotografato mentre protestava
contro l'assassinio di Tareq Ayyoub della televisione Al Jazeera, ucciso a
Anche Tareq é stato ucciso mentre faceva il suo lavoro, solo che Tareq é
stato liquidato dagli americani. Ma per lo stessa ragione.
Con l'uso della rete e del satellite oggi le notizie corrono veloci. Perciò
i nuovi nazisti considerano ormai indispensabile fermarle nell'unico modo
che gli rimane. Uccidere i reporters sta diventando il modo più facile per
assassinare la verità.

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by Elena Wednesday, Apr. 30, 2003 at 7:54 PM mail:


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Cittadino britannico il kamikaze di ieri
by Shara Wednesday, Apr. 30, 2003 at 8:21 PM mail:

Sembrerebbe essere un cittadino britannico l'attentatore omicida che si e' fatto espolodere ieri davanti ad un caffe a telaviv.
Secondo la polizia l'uomo, di religione musulmana, sarebbe entrato il israele con un gruppo di pacifisti internazionali.

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by .... Wednesday, Apr. 30, 2003 at 9:36 PM mail:

Ancora una volta possiamo vedere quanto vogliono la pace questi "pacifisti".

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dichiarazione GIPP
by gap Wednesday, May. 07, 2003 at 5:41 PM mail:

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by gio Thursday, May. 08, 2003 at 11:08 AM mail:

quello che di tremendo succede all'informazione in palestina potrebbe presto anche in occidente e impedire l'informazione obbiettiva sui fatti chi se ne frega di ciò che succede in palestina in un certo senso se ne frega di se stesso ONORE A CHE MUORE PER FARCI VEDERE REALMENTE LE COSE COME STANNO.

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Lior Ziv
by Ziv Thursday, May. 08, 2003 at 11:16 AM mail:

Lior Ziv - His camera was his weapon against terrorism

By Ruth Sinai, Haaretz Correspondent

IDF Spokeswoman Brigadier-General Ruth Yaron described Lior Ziv's camera as his weapon against terrorism in her eulogy at Ziv's funeral Sunday.

Ziv, 19, a photographer for the IDF Spokesman's unit, was its first combat casualty.

At 6 A.M. Sunday, Yaron came to the home of David and Mimi Ziv to tell them how their son was killed.

Ziv had been sent to Rafah to photograph Givati soldiers exposing and destroying tunnels for smuggling arms from Egypt. His last picture shows a weapons dump there.

After hearing of Lior's death, his younger brother Daniel, 12, pulled out recent family photographs taken for a school "roots" project. Near the photos of his worshiped brother he wrote "may he rest in peace."

"You taught me everything I know," he wept at the funeral at Holon's military cemetery. "I'll miss you."

In the Eilon High School in Holon, Ziv studied photography and art and displayed his photographs at school exhibitions. The camera was also an integral part of his social life: He documented his friends and the parties and events he helped organize. His friends described him repeatedly as "overflowing with kindness."

A woman who was with Ziv from nursery school to the army said that once, when they were both in first grade, she forgot her sandwich at home and Lior gave her his. "He didn't stop giving," said a soldier friend.

Ziv was admitted to the IDF Spokesman's filming and photography unit after strict entrance exams. The unit consists of 30 people, mostly video photographers and a few stills photographers.

Ziv did not tell his mother that he had undergone combat training because he did not want to worry her. On Saturday he called to tell her he was on his way to photograph something in Be'er Sheva.

On Passover eve his grandmother asked him if he was doing anything dangerous. "No way," he said. "I'm a jobnik [paper pusher] in the Kirya." His father, the CEO of Carmel Mizrahi, was the only one who knew.

The operation in Rafah was Ziv's first complex mission. He asked to be on a team with his two more experienced friends, a video photographer and sound man. The video photographer was badly wounded in the leg; the sound man, who was hit by shrapnel, attended the funeral.

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