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ISM: appello per raccolta materiali
by IMC italy Saturday, May. 10, 2003 at 5:41 PM mail:

Dopo l'entrata dell'esercito israeliano negli uffici dell'ISM a Betlemme e la distruzione di tutte le attrezzature, l'ISM lancia un appello per la raccolta di materiale.

Dear Members,
At 12:30 May 9th,PCR and ISM offices in Beit Sahour were invaded by dozens of Israeli army, police, and border police. three women were arrested. one released later in the day. all the computers ( 6 desktops
and 3 labtops) and all ISM and PCR files were expropriated.

This raid is another step in the Israeli attempts to silence peace activists and force them to leave the country.

Both PCR and ISM offices are turned into non-functional.

In addition to urging all of you to raise your voice loudly against the continued attack against peace and human rights activists, we have the follwoing specific requests:

1-we are in urgent need for Computers to resume our work. we in particular appeal for Palestinian and Israeli organizations to immediatly donate or lend us computers to help us resume our work.

2-we are in urgent need for legal help. we are looking for lawyers both localy and internationally to help us fight against the series of illegal procedures that peace activists are facing.

3-to face the declared policy of transfere of international peace activists, we urge for Jewish peace activists from all over the world to consider joining ISM in Palestine as soon as possible.

4-temporarly, you can send us your e-mails at

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PCR Office Raided
by Rapprochement Friday, Jun. 06, 2003 at 9:42 AM mail:

PCR Office Raided

[Beit Sahour, Occupied Palestine, May 9, 2003]

Israeli forces raided the ISM office this morning, confiscating equipment and material and snatching three women. At 12:30pm on Friday, May 9, approximately 20 military vehicles, army jeeps and a large armored personnel carrier (intended for many arrests) surrounded the ISM media office in Beit Sahour. Dozens of soldiers, border police and civilian police officers raided the ISM office, confiscating all computers, not only in the ISM office but in the nearby office of the Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement. Files, CD, and photos were all pillaged, while soldiers broke equipment and damaged office space. Israeli forces kidnapped Palestinian volunteer, Fida, American volunteer, Flo, and a worker with Human Rights Watch visiting the office. At the time of this writing, Fida has been released, and the internationals seem to have been moved to the office of the Israeli Ministry of Interior, most probably for deportation.

The Israeli government has declared an open war on international peace and human rights workers. Israeli forces are doing everything in their power to specifically prevent the nonviolent resistance to their military rule. The stepped-up harassment of internationals and journalists in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is nothing short of a further attempt to shield from the international community the brutality of daily Israeli military actions against the Palestinian people.

The ISM, however, has no plans to leave the Palestinian areas nor to reduce our actions or our efforts. We need your help. Please protest:

The following equipment were stolen from the two offices of the ISM and the PCR:

1- Compaq Computer P3 (1)
2- Compaq Computer P3 (2)
3- Compatible P2 computer
4- Compatible P4 computer
5- Acer P3 PC Computer
6- Compaq PC Server 2.4 Ghtz.
7- Sony VAIO Laptop Computer P3
8- 486 Laptop Computer
9- P3 laptop Computer (Personal)
10- Nikon Digital Camera
11- Kodak Digital Camera
12- Nokia Mobile Phone (052-299310)
13- Motorla Mobile Phone (067-862439)
14- All the Compact Discs in the Office (around 50 CDs)
15- File and printed Material
16- VHS Video tapes
17- Hi8 Tapes
18- Mini DV Tapes
19- Laptop bag
20- Traveler money purse

The total cost of all the lost equipment is estimated around $8230.00 not including Item number 9 the Personal Computer that belongs to one of those who were in the office during the raid.

The confiscated equipment do not include, Key Boards, Monitors and mice. Mainly the case and what is in it.

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servi del terrore
by gli ISMi sono deleteri Friday, Jun. 06, 2003 at 11:41 AM mail:

ISM servi di Hamas, Jihad Islamica e tutto il terrorismo palestinese. Se fossero veramente pacifisti andrebbero a guidare gli autobus israeliani.

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