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by cpnk Thursday, Jul. 03, 2003 at 8:58 PM mail:

EVIDENZE video dell'innocenza di Simon Chapman arrestato a Salonicco accusato di avere una borsa nera contenente molotov e martelli.

EVIDENZE video dell'innocenza di Simon Chapman arrestato a Salonicco accusato di avere una borsa nera contenente molotov e martelli. Il video mostra delle foto e dei video tratti da ET3, televisione greca, dove si vede chiaramente la polizia mettere degli zaini neri attorno a Simon dopo averci messo un martello e un'accetta. La prima foto mostra chiaramente che Simon aveva una borsa blu finche' veniva pestato per terra.

Il video e' scaricabile in http qui:
(alta risoluzione - versione italiana - 206 MB)
(media risoluzione - versione italiana - 65 MB)
(media risoluzione - versione italiana - 18 MB)
(media risoluzione - versione inglese - 30,1 MB)
(bassa risoluzione - versione inglese - 17,4 MB)

e in ftp qui:

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per vederlo con Windows
by malvivent Thursday, Jul. 03, 2003 at 9:10 PM mail:

si lo so, ma non tutt* sanno usare Linux!

step 1: scaricate il video come vi pare
step 2: scaricate il codec DIVX da, ad esempio,

scaricate il file free (perché pagarlo?) :)

rinominate il file togliendo l'estensione .jpg

lanciate il setup che installerà il codec e il player
e buon torcimento di budella :/

Naturalmente è molto meglio xine! :)

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Text in the Video
by o Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 11:10 PM mail:

Screen 01

Thessaloniki, June 21st 2003
Simon Chapman has been
arrested and charged
with possessing a black bag
containing Molotov cocktails,
an axe and a hammer

Screen 02

The next image shows Simon lying
on the floor being beaten up. We
can clearly see the bag he is
carring is a blue bag.
The police made a statement that he
was NOT in possession of a blue bag.

Screen 03

The next footage shows
Simon being led from the place
where he was first beaten. We can
clearly see that his blue bag has
dissappeared. There isn't any black
bag in sight.

Screen 04

The next footage shows the police
picking up a bag from the street
containing Molotov cocktails and
putting an axe and then a
hammer into it.

Screen 05

The next footage shows
the police placing a black bag from
the left side of the screen next to
Simon. Then the bag we have just
seen is brought 5 meters and also
placed alongside him.

Screen 06

This final picture shows Simon
sitting on the kerb, surrounded by 3
mysterious black bags that weren't
present at the time Simon was
dragged in.

Screen 07

The following footage is the
complete slow motion sequence
taken from ET3, the Greek national
news channel.

Screen 08

Simon is now facing between 7 and
25 years in prison, along with 7
other people under the same charges.

Screen 09

If you have any further
information that could help prove
their innocence, please contact

Screen 10


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