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Nablus: aggiornamenti
by ISM report Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 3:04 PM mail:


[NABLUS] Dozens of Palestinians and approximately 30 internationals have been attacked by Israeli soldiers in Til, near Nablus of the West Bank.

Since 6:00 this morning the group has been working with their hands to remove three large roadblocks closing off the villages of Iraq Bureen and Til, south of Nablus.
The action is part of the International Solidarity Movement's Freedom Summer Palestine Campaign and efforts to highlight Palestinian imprisonment and lack of freedom of movement.

Israeli soldiers have taken the Mayor of Til and his colleagues are violently detaining the internationals.

Please help us protest this violence against peaceful protesters by calling the Nablus District Coordinating Office (DCO): +972 2 5486 218 / 217 or +972 2 5486 301 / 302

There is at least one video camera in the area and pictures / video should be available on our website as soon as we can get them up.


[NABLUS] The residents of the Palestinian villages of Iraq Bureen and Til, south of Nablus, joined by the International Solidarity Movement, have again decided to remove the three major roadblocks that have imprisoned them in their villages for the past two years.

Iraq Buren and Til are located south of Nablus. For over two years the two villages have been surrounded by roadblocks, confiscating the basic human right of movement from the inhabitants. Three roadblocks separate the two villages from the city of Nablus; another one separates them from one another. Leaving the villages to work, school or university often requires a whole day of traveling, moving in between
roadblocks and checkpoints. Not only has trade come to a halt, but also being famous for its milk, Til has lost its main source of income, devastating the local economy.

Food, water and medical supplies are as good as cut off and ambulances are unable to enter the villages.

The people have tried to open the roadblocks several times, but the army has repeatedly re-erected them, setting up additional checkpoints in the area and controlling potential paths around the checkpoints.

The people of the villages, the village council and all the associations in both villages have again decided to remove the roadblocks and protest against this violation of their human rights --
Thursday July 10th 2003 at 6 am.

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by ISM report Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 4:28 PM mail:

6 International Peace Workers Arrested by Israeli Army

10 Jul 03

[NABLUS] Six international peaceworkers participating in The ISM Freedom Summer in Palestine campaign were arrested this afternoon in the city of Nablus, on the West Bank.

The arrested are:

Daniel Knutsson from Sweden
Avi Zer-Aviv from Canada
Aviv Kruglanski from Israel
Alex Perry from the UK
Thomas Pellas from France
Saul Reid from UK

The group had removed 2 earthen roadblocks in the Nablus area and were working on removing the 3rd today when Israeli soldiers suddenly drove army jeeps toward them at high rates of speed. The soldiers chased after a bulldozer, driven by a Palestinian and containing 2 internationals as passengers, which had been participating in the road block removal. One soldier entered the cab of the bulldozer and remained there while a jeep followed the bulldozer en route to a nearby military base, as ordered by the soldiers. International volunteers blocked the road to the military base in an effort to prevent the confiscation of the bulldozer by
the Israeli military.
Other internationals surrounded the driver and started to walk him step by step back toward Nablus. At this point
the soldiers threatened to start shooting people if they continued to move.

The group negotiated with the DCO and agreed to replace the 2 roadblocks that had been removed in exchange for allowing the driver, the bulldozer, and the internationals to return to Nablus.

After one roadblock had been replaced and the second was being rebuilt, the deal suddenly altered and the soldiers declared that the internationals would not be permitted to return to Nablus after all since he suspected that they were with the ISM. Another deal was negotiated whereby 11 internationals would remain outside the city and 6 others would return to Nablus to collect the personal
belongings of all the volunteers, then they would all leave the city.

Suddenly the soldiers declared that they were going to arrest the bulldozer driver and take the bulldozer. The internationals again moved to surround the bulldozer. At that point Daniel, Aviv and Alex were arrested and taken away in a jeep. Soldiers declared that they would arrest all of the internationals. Avi, Thomas and Saul tried to block the path to the rest of the internationals and they too
were arrested.

All 6 were handcuffed and transported by Israeli bus to Ariel police station.

Photos can be viewed at ttp://

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Clarification of Earlier ISM Release
by ISM Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 1:32 PM mail:

Clarification of Earlier ISM Release

In a press release earlier today entitled 'INTERNATIONALS AND

It was stated:

'Israeli soldiers have taken the Mayor of Til and his colleagues are
violently detaining the internationals.'

The Mayor's colleagues were not violently detaining the
internationals. The Israeli soldiers were. The sentence should have

'Israeli soldiers have taken the Mayor of Til and his colleagues and
the soldiers are violently detaining the internationals.'

We apologize for the confusion.

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