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Palestina: askar camp invaded
by ISM report Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 11:15 PM mail:

Friday, August 8 Askar Camp Invaded This Morning

We have just received a report that the Israeli Military has invaded the Askar refugee camp (just outside of occupied Nablus) about 2:30 am today. Reports are that jeeps have announced curfew and more than seven tanks are shooting. People close to the camp are hearing both machine gun and cannon fire.

We have not been informed of any injuries at this point.

As soon as more information becomes available, we will post it.

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...And It Takes a Bulldozer to Finish the Job
by ISM report Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 11:33 PM mail:

August 8, 2003, 11:30 am

In Askar, the large refugee camp just outside of occupied Nablus, a bulldozer is now demolishing a house. After tanks shot at it and a fire began to destroy it, the bulldozer has is busy finishing the job.
This house is four stories high, and, according to the eyewitnesses, little or no time was given to the inhabitants of the house to flee.
At this writing, three additional people have been injured, and the tanks are still shooting down the street.

The three-month truce appears to have been broken by the Israeli Military this morning and little information has been forthcoming as to why it took seven tanks, three jeeps, a helicopter and a bulldozer to come into the camp looking for one man. Since the only information about this incursion is coming from eyewitness accounts inside the
camp, we are reporting the facts as they are watching them.

Once the occupation forces leave the camp, we will have photos available.

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...e questo era stato l'inizio del lavoro
by ISM report Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 2:21 PM mail:

August 7, 2003
Update on incursion by the Israeli Military into the Askar Refugee Camp near occupied Nablus, West Bank

It Takes Seven Tanks to Rape a Village

From inside the Askar refugee camp, one ISM international and two Palestinians have filed the following report to the ISM office.

The Israeli Military stormed into camp this morning with seven tanks, several jeeps and helicopters. None of three we spoke to knows why the military suddenly invaded, but they do know that one Palestinian, Amees Abu Salim, is dead and lying in the street. In addition, two homes are burning, and the occupation forces are denying entrance to the firefighters.

Although curfew has been imposed throughout the camp, Palestinians are beginning to break it, venturing out in neighborhoods that are away from the primary fighting, which is on the main street of the camp. An hour ago, boys began to throw rocks at the jeeps at one end of the camp. Soldiers are replying with real ammunition, (unlike the rubber bullets they fired at internationals last week).

One young man has been injured, Ahmed Abu Jameelha, a l9-year-old student who was throwing rocks, the only form of ammunition available to the young Palestinians.

We will continue to update you as information from the ISM activists comes into the office.

ISM Office 022774602

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