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Appeal For Support of the ISM Legal Fund
by gap Monday, Aug. 25, 2003 at 10:43 AM mail:

25 ago 2003 -

Dear Friends:

As our movement grows we continue to challenge the Israeli occupation on multiple fronts. One front is the Israeli legal system. It is not possible to expect justice from a system that serves as the legal stamp for Israeli occupation, but it is possible to use it
as a stage from which to expose aspects of the Israel apartheid system.

We need funds for ongoing battles and in order to be prepared should any activist require legal assistance in the near future.

Some legal assistance has been offered on a pro-bono basis by attorneys, but the need is far greater than what we can expect to receive in donated legal work.

Please consider making a donation to one of the addresses listed below to enable us to continue to defend activists in their legal confrontations with the State of Israel.

ISM reiterates how extremely grateful we are to the attorneys who have repeatedly assisted us and provided their time and work on a pro bono basis.

Without their help ISM would not have been able to provide the assistance that we have to those volunteers who have risked so much.

We remain extremely grateful to them for their help in difficult times.

We would be very grateful if you could join us in this part of our ongoing struggle.

Please consider sending a financial contribution via one of the ways mentioned below.

Please indicate clearly that you would like your donation applied to the legal fund.

Bank Account G&G&H&N (ISM)
Bank Hapoalim Main Branch Tel Aviv 600
Account No. 360883

(please send email confirmation to )


The Africa Fund c/o Huwaida Arraf
1734 19th Street, NW #2
Washington DC 20009

Many thanks for your continued support

In solidarity & struggle,


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by dp Monday, Aug. 25, 2003 at 11:31 AM mail:


appropositi se odiate tanto Israele perche usate una banca israeliana per i vostri fondi in favore dei vostri atti terroristici?

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