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Iraq: Morire per l'ENI
by max_speed Sunday, Nov. 16, 2003 at 7:09 PM mail:

L'ospedale italiano e' a Bagdad. Cosa hanno di cosi importante da difendere i Carabinieri "in missione di pace" a Nassiryah? Per capirlo, leggete questi articoli tratti da siti specializzati nel settore petrolio..

ENI Looking to Iraqi Oilfields
Friday, May 30, 2003 - Eni is very interested in the situation in Iraq and have an eye out for the oilfields in the southern province of Nassirya. "We know the (Nassirya) area very well. We have the technology and expertise needed to develop those (oil) fields, together with the Iraqis," Chief Executive Vittorio Mincato told a shareholder meeting. The CEO cautioned that the current political and economic situation was not conducive to long-term investing and he wants to make sure that there will be a return on investment in the future.
He said Iraq needs huge investments. "We have invested some $5 billion in (the Caspian project) Kashagan. In Iraq the figure would be similar." There is speculation that ENI and Repsol-YPF could be jointly awarded a contract for Nassirya. EnI declined to comment on the speculation. Mincato said any investments won't be made in the short term. "I believe there won't be anything concrete earlier than a year from now," he said.

tratto da "Rigzone"

ENI and Repsol-YPF could receive Iraqi oil contract
02-06-03 Italy's ENI and Spain's Repsol-YPF could jointly receive a $ 1.9 bn oil contract in a 2.6 bn-barrel Iraqi oil field in the southern Nassirya province. A report also said other oil majors are in pole position to clinch other oil-production contracts elsewhere in Iraq.
It said oil companies including UK companies BP, BG Group, and US firms ChevronTexaco and ExxonMobil, had held contract-related talks with Iraq's oil minister Thamir Ghadhban.

ENI CEO Vittorio Mincato, since the US-led war ended in Iraq, has avoided making specific remarks on any potential business opportunities in the country.
Mincato recently said ENI, like any other large oil company, is interested in Iraqi oil, adding he believes the awarding of contracts will be fair and not favour specific companies.

Source: Dow Jones

tratto da "Alexander's Gas & Oil Connection"

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I pozzi petroliferi dell'ENI a Nassirya
by __ Sunday, Nov. 16, 2003 at 7:40 PM mail:

La conferma dell'interesse strategico per l'ENI della zona di Nassirya viene confermata anche da questo articolo tratto da "Il Nuovo" di aprile:,1007,176501,00.html

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