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Five Israeli refusniks scentenced to year in prison
by Lily Galili, Ha'aretz online Sunday, Jan. 04, 2004 at 6:01 PM mail:

Five teenaged conscientious objectors who refused to join the Israel Defense Forces were sentenced to one year imprisonment each on Sunday. The time they have already served will not be deducted from their sentences.

Five Israeli refusni...
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The five, Haggai Matar, Amir Kaminer, Shomri Zameret, Adam Maor and Noam Bahat, were convicted last month by the Jaffa Military Court for refusing an order. Draft-dodging bears a maximum sentence of three years in jail.

The three judges differed in their opinions, with one wishing to sentence them to 22 months in prison and another just six months.

The judges wrote in their ruling that the sentence was to serve as a warning to others, especially in light of the recent spate of elite reservists refusing to serve in the territories.

After leaving the court Sunday, the five said that their sentence will not deter the refusenik movement and expressed their wonder at how soldiers who carry out "war crimes" are given lenient sentences while they are sent to prison for matters on conscience.

Hadash MK Mohammed Barakeh called the sentence a "draconian punishment," adding that the refuseniks are a "conscientious beacon for a violent society."

The five had claimed conscientious objector status on the grounds that they oppose serving in "an army of occupation." But the court ruled that their freedom to follow their conscience had to be balanced against equally important values, such as national security, which it said could be gravely impaired if the conscripts were exempted from service.

Furthermore, the court said, the five high school graduates did not refuse to serve as individuals, but rather as a group, with the explicit goal of bringing about a change in Israeli policy in the territories. As such, the court ruled, their action strayed from the norms of classic conscientious objection into the realm of civil disobedience.

In support of this finding, the court cited a letter the conscripts had signed in high school, in which they declared they would not serve in the IDF "as long as it acts as an army of occupation."

The five rejected the court's criticism, and noted that had they wanted only to dodge the military draft they would have operated differently.

According to the five, the publicity of their campaign to avoid military service demonstrated the pain associated with their decision, and ultimately led to their conviction.

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by solo Sunday, Jan. 04, 2004 at 11:23 PM mail:

Traditori e vigliacchi non obiettori di coscienza.
Perche' non si vede mai un kamikaze rifiutarsi di farsi saltare in aria?
Perche' hamas, plo ecc, lo farebbero far saltare in aria seduta stante!.

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by solidarietà Monday, Jan. 05, 2004 at 11:49 AM mail:

..sono più di 600. Tutta la mia solidarietà a questi coraggiosi

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verita' scomoda
by verita' scomoda Monday, Jan. 05, 2004 at 12:14 PM mail:

Peccato che i palestinesi osano parlare contro terrorismo etc. fanno una fine ben diversa: vengono trucidati per le strade senza uno straccio di processo.

Se volete le foto, basta chiedere.

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by vi state adeguando Monday, Jan. 05, 2004 at 12:29 PM mail:

.. a parte che sono tre anni che girano queste foto, sempre le stesse..israele direi si sta velocemente adeguando ai cugini medio orientali. Oz a Roma veva affermato: sharon è uguale ad arafat..direi che c'è un graduale spostamento verso Hamas

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by bah Monday, Jan. 05, 2004 at 12:40 PM mail:

Le foto sono sempre le stesse perche' i palestinesi impediscono ai cameramen e fotografi stranieri di filmare episodi del genere da quando le foto sopra nominate hanno cominciato a fare il giro del mondo.

Restano i seguenti fatti:

1) Non si vedono mai voci palestinesi levarsi apertamente e fermamente contro il terrorismo

2) Alla fine la colpa, secondo voi, e' sempre e solo degli Israeliani.

Dunque, finche' gente come voi continuera' a belare contro Israele, vuol dire che Israele sta facendo le cose giuste.

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X solo
by rome Monday, Jan. 05, 2004 at 1:00 PM mail:

Sciacquati la bocca prima di parlare dei refusnik.

Complimenti ai bei tipi come te, nemici di Israele, che cercano a tutti i costi di fomentare l'antisemitismo su indymedia, attraverso una tecnica ben collaudata.
La tecnica è quella di un italiano che va su un forum estero, dice W Mussolini, ci prende insulti e si mette a sbraitare: "cosa? non vi piace Mussolini? allora siete dei razzisti anti-italiani!!".
Grazie per contribuire ad azzerare ogni tipo di discussione civile su indy sull'argomento.

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