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azioni di protesta processo G8 Evian
by aubonnegroup Friday, Jun. 25, 2004 at 10:31 AM mail:

Foto e reports delle azioni in sostegno agli attivisti che saranno processati il 28 giugno a Ginevbra per il G8 di Evian e contro l'impunitą della polizia svizzera.





International Actions of Support:
UK- A group of approximately 15 people will deliver letters of support from
many organisations to the Swiss Embassy in London.
Austria- Vienna, 10 am. Peaceful demonstration with banners in front of the
embassy will present letter signed by Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth.
Spain- A performance and noise demo will take place outside the Swiss
Embassy in Barcelona.
Madrid- A group of approximately 15 people will deliver letters of support
to the Swiss Embassy.
Amsterdam- A samba band will lead a group to deliver support letters to the
Swiss embassy.
Berlin- A concentration in solidarity with the case of Aubonne and Genoa
will take place today.

Faxes from Organisations and Institutional support
Amnesty International,have expressed their concerna dnare following this and
other Swiss cases with their own researchers.
Eight Members of the European Parliament from various countries have
comunicated to us that they will today be faxingtheSwiss authorities to show
them their cocern about the case and the development of the legal proccess.
They will be represented at the trial on Monday David Hammerstein MEP, Spain.
United States
Noam Chomsky has signed a statement asking for calling "the attention of
authorities to these very severe charges and urging them to deal with them
expeditiously and justly."
Susan George, author of "Another World is Possible" and ex president of
ATTAC gives her feel support and expressed her deep concern about the issue.
Ignacio Ramonet, Director of Le Monde Diplomatique gives his full support
to the campaign.

London- "Liberty"- Defending -human-rights organisation.
London- Mark Himsworth, Human Rights Barrister, 10-11 Grays Inn Square

Comission of Defence of the lawyers Comission of Barcelona, (professional
Catalan Association of Human Rights.*
Justice and Peace, one of the most important Human Rights Organisation. In
Arcadi Oliveras (one of the most well kown intelectual for human and social
rigts in Catalunya)
Robert Sabata and Jaume Asens (two of the main human rights lawyers form
David Hammerstein, Euro MP for the Green Party.*
*will attend the hearing on Monday 28th.
And a long list of NGOs and diferent civil society groups from Catalunya.

More than 30 Human Rights organisations & Non Govermental Organiations and
Neighbourhood Associations have also sent faxes of support to the Swiss
Legal Monitors
The case has gained international of differentlawyers groups the local and
international level will be monitorin the process.
Abogados Demócratas Europeos (Democratic European Lawyers)
European Legal Team
Comission of Defence of the lawyers Comission of Barcelona, (professional
Catalan Association of Human Rights.*

All this has materialized in the creation of a legal comission to observe
the legal proccess and give advice to the activists by the International
Committee of Inquiry to
protect Basic Human Rightsf which panel is composed of:
Nuri Albala.
Dario Fo.(literature nobel prize)
Adolfo Perez-Esquivel.(peace nobel prize)
Tony Bunyan., Daniela Dahn, Robert Dossou., Nicole Dreyfus.,Luigi Ferrajoli,
August Gil Matamala, Barbara Hug, Martin Kutscha, Aline Pailler, Riccardo
Petrella, Vanessa Ramos, Charles-Henri Rapin, Gino Strada, Lorenzo Trucco,
Peter Weiss, Alex Zanotelli,
Several members of the group working group from this Comitte will be present
on the hearing on Monday 28th.
Other Organisations
Switzerland, Ligue Suissse des Droits de l'homme, (Legal Team Geneva)
Global Womens Strike, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, India and UK
European Youth For Action (a network of ecologist youth groups from 26

Countries and Cities from which letters/faxes/emails of support have been
Ireland- Dublin
Australia- Melbourne
Portugal- Lisbon and Porto
England- Liverpool, Manchester, Brighton, London, Bristol, and Oxford
Spain- Barcelona, Madrid, Leon, Ovideo; ZAragoza
United States- Texas and Philadelphia

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