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Three Palestinians, British Activist Wounded as Israelis Push Into Jenin
by sharonboia Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2002 at 3:55 PM mail:


JENIN, West Bank -- Three Palestinian teenagers and British woman peace activist were injured by gunfire Tuesday as Israeli troops pushed into the northern West Bank town of Jenin and its refugee camp, Palestinian hospital sources said. Two of the Palestinians, aged 14 and 19, were in critical condition after being shot in the chest after four Israeli tanks and six jeeps raided the camp and opened fire on stone-throwers who were defying a curfew imposed by the army, they said. The British peace activist and a 13-year-old boy were also injured, but it was not immediately clear how badly. In Jenin itself, 10 children were also hospitalized suffering from tear gas inhalation after which army gas canisters hit a children's party at the local Young Women's Christian Association, they added. The Israeli Army has reoccupied six of eight major towns in the West Bank, including Jenin, imposing curfews and carrying out frequent raids for suspected activists, for two months following deadly back-to-back suicide attacks in Bait-ul-Moqaddas. It withdrew from Bethlehem late Monday as part of a new security plan, AFP reported.

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by clotz Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2002 at 4:38 PM mail:

Tre ragazzi palestinesi e un'attivista britannica sono stati feriti da armi da fuoco ieri dalle truppe israeliane mentre quest'ultime stavano entrando nella città di jenin e nel campo profughi, questo riportato da fonti dell'ospedale palestinese.
Due dei Palestinesi, di 14 e 19 anni, sono in stato critico dopo che sono stati colpiti al petto quando quattro tank e sei jeep sono entrati nel campo e hanno aperto il fuoco sui ragazzi che lanciavano le pietre non sottoponendosi così al coprifuoco imposto dall'IDF.
Gli altri due, l'attivista e un ragazzo di 13 anni, sono feriti ma ancora non è chiaro il loro stato di salute.
Sempre a Jenin, 10 bambini sono stati ricoverati in ospedale per le inalazioni dei gas dei lacrimogeni quando l'esercito ha attaccato una festa dei bambini nella locale associazione di giovani donne cristiane.

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by h. Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2002 at 7:00 PM mail:

Caoimhe Butterly e quella legermente ferita, e irlandesa e sta Jenin un bel po'

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