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Fare pressione sul governo Israeliano per la liberazione dei refusnik...AIUTIAMOLI!
by DAN Wednesday, Jun. 28, 2006 at 3:33 PM mail:

Mandare mail alle autorita,a Peretz,scrivere lettere ai carcerati e ai militari responsabili dellA reclusione di questi coraggiosi.

Fare pressione sul g...
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qui di seguito le informazioni necessarie per scrivere alle autorita' israeliane e ai ragazzi rinchiusi...
E' importante aiutare queste persone che,sfidando praticamente l' intera societa',si rifiutano di essere parte di un' occupazione illegale...DA SOSTENERE!

Update on Imprisoned Objectors in Israel - 30 May 2006
- Please distribute widely -

Dear Friends,

Three conscientious objectors currently stay in the military prisons of Israel. Co Wasim Hir has been released from prison and will probably return there within a few days (on which we will update when it happens). CO Eyad Raleb Sif continues his prison term, reported in our previous update. Please continue working on his behalf, and sending him letters to:

Eyad Raleb Sif
Military ID 7406109
Military Prison No. 6
Military Postal Code 01860, IDF

CO Aviv Sela

CO Aviv Sela returned to the military Induction Base to be imprisoned for the second time in a row, on 16 May. He was sentenced to 28 days in prison, which he is serving in Military Prison No. 6. Before going back to prison, Aviv has made the following statement:
After my first term in military prison, I remain determined not to take part in the policy of occupation carried out by the IDF, and I am glad that I have the opportunity to present other youths with the option of avoiding military service.
Aviv is due to be released from prison on 9 June. In the meanwhile, you can write him at:
Aviv Sela
Military ID 6883615
Military Prison No. 6
Military Postal Code 01860, IDF

CO Maayan Padan

CO Maayan Padan has also returned to prison for a second term. She was first sentenced to 7 days in prison for her refusal to enlist on 16 May, and then on 21 May she was given 21 more days in prison for staying AWOL between prison terms. Maayan has begun serving her prison term of 28 days in total on 21 May in Military Prison No. 400, and is due to be released on 15 June.

Before returning to prion, Maayan made the following statement:
Today, after my first prison term, I am stronger in my stand, that we should struggle to dismantle military organisations as such and to stop entrenching militarism in society. Children looking up to `soldier heroes` interpret violent acts in a positive light and shape their characters and worldviews around them. Parents dress their babies as soldiers. Our sould are sacrifised in the name of land, but this sacrifise is a fiction, used as excuse to continue the systematic occupation, oppressing the spirit of the Palestinian people and creating deep grievances eventually leading to the desperate protest of terrorism. It is our duty to pose an alternative and to struggle for its right to exist.
Maayan`s prison address is:
Maayan Padan
Military ID 6151802
Military Prison No. 400
Military Postal Code 02447, IDF
Fax: ++972-3-9579348

Recommended Action

First of all, please circulate this message and the information contained in it as widely as possible, not only through e-mail, but also on websites, conventional media, by word of mouth, etc.

Other recommendations for action:

1. Sending Letters of Support

Please send the imprisoned objectors letters of support (preferably postcards or by fax) to the prison addresses above.

2. Letters to Authorities

It is recommended to send letters of protest on behalf of the imprisoned objectors, preferably by fax, to:
Mr. Amir Peretz,
Minister of Defence,
Ministry of Defence,
37 Kaplan St.,
Tel-Aviv 61909,
E-mail: or
Fax: ++972-3-6976711

Copies can be sent to the commanders of the military prisons (note the updated fax number for prison No. 6) at:

Commander of Military Prison No. 6,
Military Prison No. 6,
Military postal number 01860, IDF
Fax: ++972-4-954-05-80 Commander of Military Prison No. 400,
Military Prison No. 400,
Military postal number 02447, IDF
Fax: ++972-3-9579389

Another useful address for sending copies would be the Military Attorney General:
Avichai Mandelblit,
Chief Military Attorney
Military postal code 9605, IDF
Fax: ++972-3-569-43-70

It would be especially useful to send your appeals to the Commander of the Induction Base in Tel-HaShomer. It is this officer that ultimately decides whether an objector is to be exempted from military service or sent to another round in prison:
Amir Rogowski,
Commander of Induction Base,
Baqum, Tel-HaShomer
Military Postal Code 02718, IDF
Fax: ++972-3-737-60-52

Copies of appeals can also be sent to:
Head of Incompatibles Unit
Induction Base (Baqum)
Military Postal Code 02718, IDF
Fax: ++972-3-737-67-05.

For those of you who live outside Israel, it would be very effective to send protests to your local Israeli embassy. You can find the address of your local embassy on the web.

Here is a sample letter, which you can use, or better adapt, in sending appeals to authorities on the prisoners` behalf:

Dear Sir/Madam,

It has come to my attention that [name & military ID], a conscientious objector, has been imprisoned [his/her] refusal to perform military service for the [n-th] time in a row, and is held in Military Prison No. [400/4/6].

The imprisonment of conscientious objectors such as [name] is a violation of international law, of basic human rights and of plain morals. The repeated imprisonment of conscientious objectors is an especially grave offence, as it means sentencing a person more than once for the same offence, and has been judged by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to constitute a clear case arbitrary detention.

I therefore call for the immediate and unconditional release from prison of [name], without threat of further imprisonment in the future.


3. Letters to media in Israel and in other countries

Writing op-ed pieces and letters to editors of media in Israel and other countries could also be quite useful in indirectly but powerfully pressuring the military authorities to let go of the objectors and in bringing their plight and their cause to public attention.

Here are some contact details for the main media outlets in Israel:

2 Karlibach st.
Tel-Aviv 67132
Fax: +972-3-561-06-14

Yedioth Aharonoth:
2 Moses st.
Fax: +972-3-608-25-46

Ha`aretz (Hebrew):
21 Schocken st.
Tel-Aviv, 61001
Fax: +972-3-681-00-12

Ha`aretz (English edition):
21 Schocken st.
Tel-Aviv, 61001
Fax: +972-3-512-11-56

Jerusalem Post:
P.O. Box 81
Jerusalem 91000
Fax: +972-2-538-95-27
e-mail: or

Radio (fax numbers):
Kol-Israel +972-2-531-33-15 and +972-3-694-47-09
Galei Zahal +972-3-512-67-20

Television (fax numbers):
Channel 1 +972-2-530-15-36
Channel 2 +972-2-533-98-09

We will continue updating on further developments in the reported cases. Please refer to our previous updates for further details.

Thank you for your attention and action,

Sergeiy Sandler - New Profile.

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by leftwing Wednesday, Jun. 28, 2006 at 4:55 PM mail:

Scrivere a Peretz? Scherziamo?
Lui per me, come tutte le autorità israeliane, è sotto boicottaggio. Non si parla con questa gente perché verrebbe meno il cordone sanitario che bisogna mettergli attorno.
Scrivere ai refusnik è un'altra cosa...

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by dan Wednesday, Jun. 28, 2006 at 5:26 PM mail:

pensa se a peretz arrivassero centinaia di lettere di protesta...non sarebbe positivo per te?
Boicottare non significa mica smettere di protestare,il boixcottaggio e' accademico,sportivo,turistico ecc ecc....

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