Indymedia Italia

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video aggressione polizia a Los Angeles, alla fine 12 arresti
by livorno rossa international Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 11:28 AM mail:

da un sito mainstream che recita in prima pagina "support our troops"

video aggressione po...
1la.jpg, image/jpeg, 120x90

dopo la parte dedicata al sit-in le immagini sono esplicite. Videoclip del servizio a

Servizio di NBC4

About 1,000 protesters shut down busy LA street; several arrested
Thursday,March 20 2003 9:20

(Los Angeles) At least a dozen arrests have been reported at an anti-war protest outside the Federal Building in West Los Angeles. Hundreds of protesters clashed with police, burned an American flag and forced the closure of one of the city's busiest intersections Veteran and Wilshire at rush hour. Police used their plastic shields to force several dozen protesters back onto a sidewalk at one point after they refused to move off Wilshire Boulevard. Many of the protesters were lying down in the middle of the busy thoroughfare in a so-called ``die-in'' that organizers said was meant to demonstrate ``what dead people look like.'' Protesters shouted ``No Blood for Oil,'' No More War'' and ``Our Streets'' and waved placards proclaiming ``George Bush is Out of Control.''

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