Indymedia Italia

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Indy@genova, english version
by Indymedia Italia Thursday, Oct. 11, 2001 at 6:09 PM mail:

Indy@genova, english version

We were born one year ago in Bologna, in June 2000,
during the days of protest against the Ocse meeting. A
group of young media-activists of the social centre
network felt the need to add to the already existing
channels of digital counter-information, a tool that
could go beyond the undergrounds of communication. We
wanted to reach out to the masses with a new form of
language, that would challenge the corporate
mainstream exactly where it seems still inaccessible
and prohibitive given the expenses: the moving image,
the streaming video.
On the wave of the web revolution, the peer-to-peer
technology, the file sharing, napster, Indymedia
creates the idea of web logs for free and open
publication where everyone contributes to the
uploading, the publishing and sharing of information.
No censorship or changes to the uploaded material as
well as the impossibility of eliminating it from the

Italy Indymedia refused to identify with one editing
nucleus and does not exist in one particular place or
location, but it decided to support a net of
spontaneous relations with local environments and
particular mobilizations.
A horizontal way of dealing with decisions and
discussions, happening entirely through the mailing
list, open for inscription and participation
Today IMC Italy counts on the collaboration of various
information activists, video makers, journalists,
translators, social centres, hackers.

One year later we are now going towards Genoa, to work
together on the media coverage for the G8 contest. We
are ready to welcome activists from Italy and Europe,
and we are getting organized to provide public access
to the net, to put material collected on the street on
line. We will be in the streets and public squares,
but not identifiable by banners or dress codes. We
will occupy ourselves with the right of access to the
production of information and we will be aware of our
rights against who wants to suppress our material. We
will distribute Press Tickets and catalogue our
cameras to denounce unjust uses. We will also be
insured against the destruction of our material. We
are organizing in the two month preceding Genoa
seminars in various Italian cities to share our
knowledge regarding the usage of information producing
machinery. We will not receive any retribution for out
work and we will never limit the distribution of our
collected material, we will not issue copyrights
except in relation with conventional media.

For any info mail to:

or visit our web site:

by Sunday, Jul. 01, 2001 at 4:15 PM mail:


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break their windows, break their might
by Tuesday, Jul. 17, 2001 at 5:49 PM mail:

anyone interested in being known and making organizations/events known in hungary should contact us. mostly we are related to the hardcore/punk community but we are in contact with other alternative groups as well. take care,
the nonkonformist collective

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outrageous biased reporting in New Zealand @ Genoa
by Zee Monday, Jul. 23, 2001 at 4:48 AM mail:

I write to express my admiration of your courage in the fact of severe police/state repression
and I am appalled at the biased reporting in the straight media in New Zealand
which portrays the activists/protestors as "violent hooligans" who "had it coming"
I understand many people were injured
Is there some way we can convey our support and sympathy and also make a protest to the Italian government

We need to take a stand to ensure multinational corporations and their ilk no longer ride roughshod over the worlds people and other creatures (land and sea) and finite resources like soils, forests, water and air
We are fighting for an organic future here in NZ, a nuclear free, GE free nation!

I understand the Italian activists, farmers and ordinary citizens are taking a strong stand against Genetically Engineered crops and foods- good on you. GE food is NOT quality food and the ability for farmers and home gardeners to save their own threat is directly threatened by transgenic pollution.


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