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Israel:20% of female soldiers report sexual harassment
by haaretz Monday, Jun. 02, 2003 at 11:33 PM mail:

Twenty percent of female IDF soldiers were sexually
harassed during the course of their mandatory
military service, according to an army survey
presented Monday during a meeting of the Knesset
committee for the advancement of women.

The study collected responses
from 1,100 anonymous female
soldiers - including 64
officers - in their second year
of service.

There was no difference in the
rate of sexual harassment
suffered by female soldiers
serving in combat units and
those serving in rear echelon positions, the
study revealed.

Eighty-one percent of female soldiers suffering
from instances of sexual harassment reported
"harmful hints," and 69 percent reported
harassing sexual advances.

More than half the respondents suffering sexual
harassment did not take any action in response.
Only 20 percent turned to an official address for
aid, primarily to unit commanders.

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