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Falluja: Uccisi due marines. I Mujahideen contrattaccano.
by REPUBBLICA Friday, Nov. 26, 2004 at 12:59 PM mail:

Falluja: Uccisi due marines. I Mujahideen contrattaccano.


Baghdad, 12:35
Iraq, insorti Falluja annunciano ripresa attacchi

I ribelli di Falluja hanno comunicato attraverso un sito internet che la guerriglia si sta riorganizzando nella roccaforte sunnita e che presto riprenderanno gli attacchi contro le forze Usa. "Dopo una riorganizzazione - si legge nel comunicato che porta la data di ieri ed è firmato dal Consiglio dei mujaheddin, l'organizzazione che ha guidato la città da aprile a novembre - i mujaheddin hanno ricominciato martedì a lanciare attacchi che intaccherano la leggenda di invincibilità delle forze della coalizione e dei collaboratori traditori agli ordini di Allawi".

Two US Marines killed in Falluja

Friday 26 November 2004, 13:36 Makka Time, 10:36 GMT  
Pockets of resistance still remain in the war-ravaged town

US forces take major losses across Iraq
US marines killed in Iraq ambush

Falluja resistance fighters have killed two US marines who were conducting a house search in the war-ravaged town, US military sources said.

The fighters threw grenades at the marines, Lieutenant General John Sattler said on Friday. Three fighters were also killed in the incident.

Marines have been searching houses in Falluja for weapons and fighters after a major offensive in the town earlier this month.

While the US military said they had killed over 1000 fighters in the offensive, the marines still face resistance in Falluja, where many buildings were reduced to piles of rubble.

"We will keep searching for weapons until we put a 'green X' on the last house in Falluja," Sattler said. 

'Attacks resumed'

Marine officers have said they would inspect an estimated 50,000 houses in the city west of Baghdad, a tedious task that involves searching everything from ventilation systems to couches as snipers await opportunities to fire. 

Meanwhile, fighters in Falluja have claimed in a statement that they had reorganised and resumed their attacks. 

Falluja's fighters say they have
now reorganised themselves"After reorganising, the Mujahidin resumed their attacks on Wednesday with the aim of shattering the myth of the invincibility of the coalition forces, and the traitors and collaborators who are under the orders of Allawi and Naqib," they said. 

The statement issued on Friday by the Mujahidin Council was referring to interim Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi and Interior Minister Falah Naqib, both staunch supporters of the vast operation launched on 8 November.  
Clash in Kirkuk

In a separate development, armed fighters attacked a police station near the northern city of Kirkuk, killing one policeman and injuring three, police said on Friday. 

Fighters used machine-guns and rocket-propelled grenades in their assault on a police station in Rashad, 50km southwest of Kirkuk on Thursday night, according to police Brigadier Sarhat Qadir. 

Qadir said policemen returned fire, forcing the attackers to flee the scene. Kirkuk is 290km north of Baghdad.  

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