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Ricordiamoci sempre che i poveri palestinesi vogliono la pace
by Tony Trevi Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2005 at 10:36 AM mail:

vogliono la pace

Feb. 16, 2005 4:44
IDF shoots dead two gunmen near Har Bracha
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Nahal Brigade soldiers shot and killed two Palestinian gunmen who planned to launch a shooting attack at Har Bracha near Nablus on Tuesday night, the army said.

Soldiers found Kalashnikov rifles near their bodies.

Their identities and affiliation have yet to be determined. The soldiers continued searching the area for additional gunmen.

In recent weeks, there have been six shooting attacks at soldiers and settlers in the area, the army said.

Meanwhile, the handover of Jericho to Palestinian security control remained at a standstill on Tuesday, despite statements by PA Minister Saeb Erekat claiming an agreement between the sides had been reached.

According to Israeli security officials, the main sticking is Israel's refusal to expand security control to Ouja, a farming village north of Jericho.

"The village straddles Highway 90, the main highway and access route in the Jordan Valley," one of the officials said. "At this point, it is vital that Israel maintains a security presence there. But, in the future, if the Palestinians prove they are able to uphold their responsibilities then the Ouja situation will be reassessed."

"The Palestinians appear to have forgotten the violence of the past four years, which is the very reason why Israel wants to move cautiously and slowly and not rush forward without assessing every step of the way," another official said.

Israel has also turned down Palestinian requests to remove checkpoints located near the Palestinian cities where the transfer of security control is to take place, including Jericho.

"Every city has to be judged by its merits and the situation on the ground before such a decision can be made. There are some checkpoints that can be removed or transferred elsewhere and there are others that will need to stay," an official said. "Decisions on which checkpoints to remove can only be made after the Palestinians have proven they are capable of maintaining control, and there are no terror threats stemming from the areas they operate in."

Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz told reporters that he fully supported the IDF's position and expressed hope that the sides would reach an understanding in the near future.

"We don't want to transfer too many cities and take too many risks," he said during a tour of the North.

Erekat told the Associated Press that Israel had agreed to hand over Ouja and remove a checkpoint at the entrance to Jericho.

He also claimed that security commanders would meet on Tuesday to discuss the issues.

However, senior IDF officers, as well as other Israeli security officials involved in talks with the Palestinians, denied that any meetings had taken place.

On Tuesday night, an Israeli motorist was lightly wounded when stones were thrown at his vehicle near Tekoa Junction.

The IDF is investigating Palestinian claims that soldiers shot and killed a 14-year old caught throwing stones near Beitunya close to Ramallah. According to reports, two other Palestinians were wounded by soldiers.

In the West Bank, security forces arrested eight Palestinian fugitives affiliated with Hamas and Fatah Tanzim.

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