Anarchist attack on the police detention centre «Okrestina» in Minsk


The police detention centre on the Okrestina street in Minsk was attacked with Molotov cocktails by the group of anarchists on the 4th September 2010.

After a radical action on the Russian embassy in Minsk the repressive institutions of the State had started an unprecedented hunting on anarchists and other social activists. The detention centers are fulfilling with new prisoners. In general, imprisoned people are kids which have never parted in radical actions. This people just hold a peaceful propaganda of their political point of view and part in different social initiatives, but at the moment they are incriminated with any bollocks that police can imagine.

It seems like policemen and agents of special services just don’t care which people to imprison – they think about their reports to the government and their bonuses and new ranks only. They don’t have any honor or conscience – they just never had it.

We take the responsibility for all radical actions which was held recently and declare that all people who are under judicial examination now – didn’t part in this actions – we even don’t know them. Our country have already faced such a terror under Stalin regime in 1937. The elections are near and thievish government do its’ best to hold the strength.

But no repression can stifle the native human desire for freedom and dignity. Belarus will be free and independent land, where higher low is social justice and human rights – not servility and despotism. And when it happens – beware, watchdogs!

Free anarchists and social activists! Stop political repressions! Long live direct democracy and free Belarus!

Anarchist group “Friends of Liberty”