Category Archives: English

Greetings to proletarians in struggle in Syria, Egypt, Tunisia… and all over the world!

Blood-Baath in Syria… and proletarian direct action It was thirty years ago, in the city of Hama in Syria… On February 2nd, 1982, the population responded to calls for insurrection against the government, against misery and repression. The insurgents were … Continue reading

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On the Anniversary of the so called “Velvet Revolution” in Czechoslovakia, 1989

The following contribution of the Class War Group is neither a chronology of events in Czechoslovakia, 1989, nor a description of them. It is an attempt at a general analysis of the so-called Velvet “Revolution”, which would classify it in the perspective of class struggle, the only perspective, which can provide it with a meaningful context and a meaningful explanation. Continue reading

Posted in Activity of the group - English, English, Topics - English, Velvet revolution - 1989 | Comments Off

Several Preliminary Thesis for Development of the Communist Critique of so called Democratic “Revolutions”

In the same way as ten years ago, the Czech bourgeoisie today, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the “Velvet Revolution”, commemorates its victorious struggle for “freedom and democracy”, its triumphant campaign against the proletariat. In the same way as ten years ago, and for that matter in the same way as every year around this time, almost on every step and in every moment we can “indulge” in memories of this exploiters’ triumph over the exploited. The triumph, which is even sweeter because the defeated participated on their own defeat with a kind of naive enthusiasm and many will zealously celebrate their own beating even this year. Continue reading

Posted in Activity of the group - English, English, Topics - English, Velvet revolution - 1989 | Comments Off