Indymedia Italia

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Manifestazione Tel Aviv: 20.000 persone
by Imc - Italy Saturday, Apr. 06, 2002 at 10:22 PM mail:


Tel Aviv
ore 22.00

E' finita pacificamente, davanti al ministero degli esteri di Sharon,
la manifestazione a Tel Aviv. Piu' di 20.000 le persone presenti alla
piu' grande manifestazione in Israele degli ultimi 18 mesi

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english and spanish versions
by IMC italia Saturday, Apr. 06, 2002 at 10:22 PM mail:

Tel Aviv
22.00 h

it pacifically ended, in front of the Israeli foreign ministry, the manifestation in Tel Aviv.
more of 20,000 people who partecipated to teh most high manifestation in Israel in last 18 months.

ha terminado pacificamente, delante del ministerio de exteriores de sharon, la manifestacion de tel aviv. mas de veinte mil personas presentes en la myor manifestaciòn en israel de los ultimos dieciocho meses.

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