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by Paolo Dorigo n.263 progressivo Tuesday, Jun. 20, 2006 at 11:34 PM mail:

immagine_4.gif, image/gif, 328x449

Non au terrorisme de l'Etat d'Israël
contre le peuple Palestinien

Mardi 20 juin 2006
L'aviation des forces d'occupation a tiré mardi 20 juin des missiles contre une voiture circulant dans le camp de réfugiés de Jebaliya dans le nord de Gaza, faisant trois morts et neuf blessés, selon un bilan des sauveteurs.
Les victimes décédés sont un garçon de cinq ans, une fillette de sept ans et une adolescente de 16 ans, décédée des suites de ses blessures.
D'après l'armée d'occupation, le véhicule transportait des résistants des Brigades des Martyrs d'Al Aqsa, mouvement affilié au Fatah.
Selon des témoins, la voiture a explosé dans une rue étroite de Jebaliya, près de la ville de Gaza.


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fuck isralele
by fuck iùesèi Tuesday, Jun. 20, 2006 at 11:39 PM mail:

e le sinistre dicono "DUE POPOLI DUE STATI"

Palestinesi liberi!
Sionisti del cazzo tutti fucilati!
sionisti, avete un p.le Loreto anke lì.........

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by io Tuesday, Jun. 20, 2006 at 11:43 PM mail:

su non fate tante storie
i palestinesi sannno fare di peggio
oppure devo postare le foto di membra umane sugli autobus di tel aviv????

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by jnduu Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006 at 8:35 AM mail:

i palestinesi fanno peggio? ...e tu che faresti se un altro stato occupasse casa tua da 60 anni?

festeggeresti con un bel rave?

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by Combattente antisionista Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006 at 11:29 AM mail:

"Resisteremo fino alla fine, come Mussolini" (Saddam Hussein)


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by apocrifus Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006 at 11:52 AM mail:

"Muoia Sansone con tutti i filistei."
Lo conoscete questo detto, no? E' molto chiarificatore di quel è la mentalità del popolo ebraico.

Quello che invece non sapete è che esiste il piano "Armageddon", che partirà, da solo e senza che nessuno possa fermarlo, nell'esatto istante in cui l'esistenza dello stato di Israele sarà messa seriamente in pericolo.
Mi spiego meglio: l'unico modo per far sloggiare gli ebrei dal medioriente, abolire Israele e mettere fuori legge l'ebraismo, come vogliono Hamas, l'Iran e i comunisti italiani, è attaccare Israele e trasformarla in un unico gigantesco cratere.
Se questo capiterà... "muoia Sansone con tutti i filistei"... perchè partirà il piano "Armageddon", ovvero l'attacco simultaneo e nucleare su tutti i paesi arabi, con conseguente fine della vita nel medioriente.

Perciò, cari "antisionisti", che piangete per i bambini palestinesi ma vi fate le seghe sulle foto dei bambini ebrei fatti a pezzi dai kamikaze, sappiatelo: il giorno che arriverà la fine di Israele, finirà l'intero medioriente e forse anche più in qua.

Ricordate: piano "Armageddon"... non dimenticatevelo.

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by apocrifus Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006 at 12:11 PM mail:

No, perchè gli Ebrei sono pacifici con chi è pacifico con loro e con chi non vuole la cancellazione di Israele.
Il piano Armageddon partirà se qualcuno attaccherà Israele e metterà in pericolo la sua esistenza.

In realtà l'esistenza del piano Armageddon è un deterrente: i paesi arabi, compreso l'Iran, non attaccheranno mai Israele, sapendo che i paesi da cui partirà l'attacco contro Israele cesseranno di esistere all'istante.

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porchi fascisti
by antifascista Sunday, Jun. 25, 2006 at 5:16 PM mail:

cazzo che porchi antifascisti che siete voi! pensavo che indymedia fosse una piattaforma di sinistra. invece qua mi viene il vomito...

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"Porchi", va bene. Ma poi?
by Indyano Sunday, Jun. 25, 2006 at 5:32 PM mail:

Capisco solo che siamo "porchi". Non capisco se siamo "fascisti" o "antifascisti", visto che prima scrivi una cosa e poi l'altra.

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la tragedia di maria
by haaretz Sunday, Jun. 25, 2006 at 6:14 PM mail:

e questo prestava servizio militare?

Maryam's tragedies

In February of last year, her four sons were killed: Mohammed, 17; Hani, 15; Bassam, 14; and Mahmoud, 12. Killed along with them were Maryam's grandson, Raja, 9, and two of her nephews, Jaber, 19, and Mohammed, 16. They were killed by an IDF shell that was fired at the family's strawberry field in Beit Lahia in the Gaza Strip.

Two weeks ago, her brother Ali, 43, who had two wives, was killed, along with his second wife Raisa, 36; and five children - Hitham, Ali and Raisa's eight-month-old baby; two-year-old Hanadi; Sabrin, 7, Alham, 17; and Aliya 24 - all the children of Ali and his first wife, Hamdiya. They were also apparently killed by an IDF shell, perhaps one that was fired at them or an unexploded shell from an early morning shelling of the Gaza beach. The circumstances surrounding the deaths of the Ghalia family have yet to be fully clarified.

A bereaved mother, bereaved grandmother, bereaved aunt and bereaved sister and sister-in-law: Maryam Raban. Survivor of a personal horror that's hard to put into words. While in the Ghalia family home in Beit Lahia the men are still sitting in mourning, in the nearby Raban home, just a few hundred meters away, Maryam sits and mourns her 14 dead. And she also has her wounded to tend to: Her other sister-in-law, Hamdiya, and the surviving children are hospitalized in Gaza and in Israel, some of them in serious condition. She runs back and forth among the hospitals in Gaza, tending to her loved ones, and dreaming of having them transferred for treatment in "America" or Israel.

The rest of the time she sits on the sand floor of her home, overcome with mourning, not knowing with whom to start. The memory of her first tragedy surfaces even more strongly now that this second tragedy has befallen her. Did you believe it? I asked her this week, when she told me about the moment when she was sitting outside her home and her daughter-in-law ran in screaming to tell her about the horror on the beach. "Anyone who's been through it believes anything at this point."

Even in this home, there is no sign of hate. When I first met Maryam, right after her first tragedy, she only asked, in vain, for the soldier who fired the shell at her children while they were bent over the strawberry plants to stand trial. This week she again asked only that those responsible for the killing of her brother, his wife and their children while they were eating corn on the beach be brought to justice. According to what she heard from her surviving sister-in-law, she has no doubt that it was a shell that was fired at them. In vain she asked then that Israel take responsibility for the killing of her children and compensate her; in vain she is asking now that Israel take responsibility and compensate her brother's family. The family's economic distress is almost as acute as its bereavement.

A couple of days before he was killed, her brother came to her home. He asked her to look after his daughters. He was sure that his days were numbered, because of his cancer.

Her head in a black wool kerchief, sitting under the grape vine in her yard, on the sandy ground of Beit Lahia, the words come fast and furious: "The Israeli people should feel what I've been through," she says. "Four children last year and now my brother's whole family. I'm against all harming of innocents. They should take all the leaders and tie them up and burn them.

"Last year, too, when you came to me, you Israeli journalists, everyone told me: 'Take a crowbar and break their heads.' And I said no. I served you dates and took you to the field to eat strawberries. You, you're not a part of this, I don't blame you. Even if the entire Israeli people were to come to my home, I wouldn't hurt anybody. I know that most of your people are against this. But if I catch the soldier who fired the shell at my children, I'll take off his head.

"God created all of us," she continues. "A lot of Israelis believe in God and pray to him. Help us. I only want to ask from all the Israelis that they compensate us. I sold my wedding ring and the rings my mother left me in order to buy a sack of flour. Yesterday I sold them for good, here, you can see the marks on my fingers. I wore them for 25 years. All the transit points are being closed and no one is helping us. Work is closed off and money is closed off, all the doors have been closed in our faces.

"A few days ago a shell landed near the house and fragments came in the house. We had to fix up the house again. Why? Why? Why are they firing at us? Don't they care? There are more than 40 people living in this building. If a shell hits, it will kill all of us. Look at what we've come to already, and still they don't leave us alone. They chased my brother to the beach and killed him.

"I want the Israeli people to know that I'm against these actions and I want the Israeli people to oppose them, too. Why this punishment that I should lose my whole family? Why did my brother have to get this punishment? He just wanted to take his family out to breathe a little fresh air. He was so tired and sick lately."

Two days before the interview she went to visit her sister-in-law Hamdiya in the hospital. "I wouldn't have told her but people had already told her everything. Before she was sending gifts to Aliya, but Aliya was killed."

Hamdiya told her that at first she heard two shells landing on the beach and then came the third shell that killed the family. After the first two shells, Hamdiya told her husband that they should return home immediately. "It's too early to go still," he told her. Hamdiya told Ali that she was afraid, but he reassured her: "They see us. The ship is right there across from us. We're a family with women and little children and they can see us clearly."

According to Hamdiya, as Ali was still speaking, the third shell landed. Right afterward, she told Maryam, she saw her children lying there all torn up and bleeding. Sabrin was without a head, Aliya without an arm and Shadi was wailing: "Everyone's dead and soon we're going to die, too!" Hamdiya said that she told her daughter Huda to yell as loud as she could for someone to come and help them. The image of Huda yelling on the beach, next to her dead father, was broadcast all over the world, and brought the killing of this family much more attention than is usually the case.

There's some debate over whether it was an Israeli shell.

"You swear it wasn't an Israeli shell? We believe the girl (Huda) who saw it with her own eyes. Maybe they'll also say that my children were killed by God? The shrapnel found in their bodies doesn't prove that it was an Israeli shell? The witnesses who were on the beach and ran away from the first shell don't prove it? They heard the first boom and the second and they ran, and then the third shell fell. All the people say that they filmed it from the ship, so why don't they show the pictures?"

And again she returns to her brother: "My brother would have been scared of a cat. He wouldn't even slaughter a chicken. Our whole family was fine with the Israelis. We're at peace with the Israeli people. In 30 years of occupation, they never came into our home. Even when they came with the tanks, they never came to our house. We're a family of peace."

Maryam, 51, was born here in Beit Lahia. Ali was her younger brother. Her daughter Maysun, 8, leans on her, as does her granddaughter Hanan, 7. Maryam says that ever since their brothers and uncles were killed in the strawberry field, the girls have been wetting the bed at night.

Two weeks ago Friday, she says, she was sitting in the yard and praying for the souls of her sons. She does this often. She says that right then she imagined that the boys were returning home, smiling. "I felt like I was in a dream." Her sister who'd come outside asked her why she was crying and she said that in her mind she'd seen her dead sons smiling. Suddenly her daughter-in-law came running and shrieking: "Help! Help! Your brother on the beach and the whole family are gone!" Maryam started yanking out her hair, tearing her clothes and wailing bitterly.

Two days before he was killed, Ali came to his sister's home, and brought his baby son Hitham, the child of his new wife. He told Maryam that he was very ill and that he was planning to go back to Egypt where he'd had surgery before, to talk with his doctors. "Look after my children, my sister," Ali asked. "I have nine girls. Look after them. The medicine I'm taking has emptied my pockets. I don't have a cent left. I haven't told this to anyone, only to you, my sister. What I want to tell you, sister, is that age and life are in God's hands."

Maryam says that she hugged Hitham, her baby nephew, who was in his father's arms. She tried to console her brother: "Inshallah, you'll still be with us at his wedding." And he said: "Inshallah, my sister, but I don't think I'll live till then." Two days later, he and his family went to the beach.

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by sei un energumeno Sunday, Jun. 25, 2006 at 7:06 PM mail:

siamo in Italia
o me lo traduci (figurati!) o lo posti su indymedia england.

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by antifascista Tuesday, Jun. 27, 2006 at 1:36 PM mail:

io la capisco la lingua inglese... dovresti impararla.. non fa male parlare altre lingue...
e non deve metterlo sull indy inglese, perche c'è gente che sa leggere la lingua inglese...

e mi stupisco veramente di alcuni messagi qui dentro? pensavo che indy fosse una piattaforma per antifascisti, e non per antisemiti e altra gente.

e la gente che si vede in foto mi fa pena. pero mi fanno anche pena la gente che vive in israele che muore per via degli suicide bombers.

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siete scemi
by antifascista Tuesday, Jun. 27, 2006 at 1:39 PM mail:

voi gente che vuole di nuovo un holocaust siete pazzi... ma vi rendete conto di quello che volete?
andate a fare la fine di mussolini per favore...

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Impara l'italiano, pezzo di merda!
by Odorico Wednesday, Jun. 28, 2006 at 4:28 PM mail:

mi fanno anche pena la gente che vive in israele che muore per via degli suicide bombers.


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by emmanuel_goldstein Thursday, Aug. 03, 2006 at 11:36 PM mail:

indymedia da la parola a tutti quindi non può essee semita/antisemita... o meglio non ha il contollo sugli ospiti: siete voi che avete il previlegio di creare una discussione intellegente o meno... attendo con ansia i vostri prossimi interventi. Ciao

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dio porco
by boiacane Monday, Aug. 14, 2006 at 5:24 PM mail:

siete tutti dei comunisti di merda, gli unici fascisti qui sono gli islamici e gli amici di bertinotti e diliberto, questa è l'italia della vergogna.

dio porco

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