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Americas-bound Iranian warships change course

U.S. officials say efforts to persuade Venezuela, Cuba and other countries in the region to turn the ships away have succeeded. The ships may now be heading toward Syria to take part in naval drills with the Russian Navy

What to expect inside of America if the USA decides to engage either Russia or China in a war

Beneath the veneer of national unity America is a deeply fractured society and conflict with Russia and/or China would likely open those fractures. For a preview of what might happen we need only look to New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Some sobering stories that didn’t feature in the MSM

David Makow 1923-2021 — On Father’s Day, I Mourn

As life-long antagonists, I didn’t think I loved him. I didn’t think I’d cry. But I did

A Brief History of Hopium ¦ Corbett Report

Since the age of kings and queens gave way to the age of presidents and prime ministers, an increasingly secular public has stopped looking for divine intervention to save the nation from calamity and instead begun praying for salvation from the demigods of the modern age – politicians

Palestine: Smashed Houses, Crushed Orchards, A Trail of Unrestrained Malice

Even today, most Palestinians are born at home. This is the place for daily prayer and family meals, it is the place for consolation and joy, a haven and a refuge. That’s why the IDF has routinely demolishes homes, it’s a means of psychological warfare aimed at the whole community

Moscow hospitals to deny routine treatment to patients who refuse Covid-19 vaccines

Moscow moves to clampdown on vaccine sceptics

“The Fort Sumter, Archduke Ferdinand, Lusitania Moment is Waiting in the Wings.”

The Apocalypse is like dawn breaking. Previously it was dark and hard to see what was going on. As the light increases it becomes harder, and HARDER for those who work in darkness to conceal what they are up to. People are waking up as well

PETER HITCHENS: Now even this North Korean warns we’re being brainwashed!

North Korean defector warns that the politically correct West has “lost common sense to a degree that I as a North Korean cannot even comprehend.”

Police State: Ireland’s New Garda Powers

The Republic of Ireland has just unveiled a raft of new legislation that are about to turn Ireland into a budding little police state. For example, refusal to provide police with phone or computer password is set to become a criminal offence, punishable with 5 years in prison or a 30,000 Euro fine

The Real Game is About to Begin

If anyone had any doubts that the world is run by psychopaths, you only have to look at the impact of the Covid fraud for evidence

Dr. Peter McCullough – COVID Vaccines Have Already Killed 50,000 Americans

“We now have a whistleblower inside the CMS, and we have two whistleblowers in the CDC,” the doctor revealed. “We think we have 50,000 dead Americans. Fifty thousand deaths. So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far. It’s basically propagandized bioterrorism by injection.”

Israel’s war on truth – paid shills and trolls underneath your comments

How Israel’s online war for sympathy and support employs paid shills in dedicated media rooms around the globe

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The COVID vaccine and depopulation; the beginning of the trail

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