Appello per due giornate di azione diretta il 18 e 19 settembre 2009 [EN] [FR]


This is a call out to people involved in squats and autonomous spaces for 2 days of direct action on the 18th & 19th of September 2009 around housing and the creation of more autonomous spaces at this time of crisis.


As the global economy grinds to a halt so too do the big capital development projects, luxury apartment blocks and shopping complexes that have threatened us with displacement for so long.

Meanwhile, this new round of crisis capitalism leaves thousands out of work, buried in debt and facing immanent home repossession. Instead of housing the homeless in these empties or canceling the debts of millions governments pump billions into the banks to save this rotten system and violently repress those that resist.

As a movement we have been on the back-foot for too long – now its time to start taking things back – to kick capitalism while its down and liberate the land from privatised enclosure; to take housing and create space where we can live outside of monetary exchange, share skills acquired through struggle thus far and reach out beyond our practiced modes of resistance to a proactive attack.

From Dijon to Berlin to the thousands of places where actions took place in defence of squats and autonomous spaces in April 2008 a process has begun, new groups have formed, networks grown, and more people have become involved. As a movement we recognise that power and domination must be contested at multiple sites – this is beauty of our mode of struggle and why we call for decentralised, coordinated and confrontational action on the on the 18th & 19th of September 2009.


From the UK National Squatters Meet-up Bristol 14th/15th March 2009.

[FR] Voici une traduction partielle d'un appel en provenance de Bristol, pour deux jours d'actions directes en solidarité avec les squats et espaces autonomes à travers le monde. Le texte original (en anglais) suit, en entier. Il se trouve également là:


Bristol (Angleterre): Appel à deux journées d'actions directes les 18 et 19 septembre 2009


De Dijon à Berlin en passant par les milliers d'endroits où des actions ont eu lieu en défense des squats et des espaces autonomes en avril 2008, un processus s'est engagé, de nouveaux groupes se sont formés, des réseaux ont grandi, de plus en plus de gens se sont impliqués dans des luttes. Comme mouvement, nous pensons que le pouvoir et la domination doivent être combattus de façons multiples - nous appelons à des actions décentralisées, coordonnées et confrontationnelles les 18 et 19 septembre 2009.




Appel lancé depuis la rencontre inter-squat britannique qui s'est tenue à Bristol les 14 et 15 mars 2009.


Plus d'infos (en anglais):

Lun, 22/06/2009 – 21:40
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