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by 4 giorni di rivolte Friday, Mar. 31, 2006 at 8:28 AM mail:

Turchia: 8 manifestanti uccisi. Dal 28 marzo 2006 nel Kurdistan turco sono in corso violenti scontri tra manifestanti kurdi e forze speciali della polizia e dell'esercito turco.

001.jpgen9acs.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x399

A Diyarbakir/Amed a seguito dell'attaco della polizia e dell'esercito al corteo funebre di quattro guerriglieri kurdi del HPG (uccisi insieme ad altri otto con armi chimiche dall'esercito turco) la rivolta continua.
Dal 28 marzo ad oggi si contano 7 morti, tra cui un bambino di 9 anni e uno di 6, centinaia i feriti e gli arresti. In queste ore la rivolta si è estesa ad Istanbul, Adana, Batman, Urfa, Siirt, Cizre e nella provincia di Hakkari.

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by Diyarbakir Friday, Mar. 31, 2006 at 8:50 AM mail:

dyb_ce17.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x399

altre foto di quello che sta succedendo in Turchia/Kurdistan

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Forze speciali turche
by assassini Friday, Mar. 31, 2006 at 8:53 AM mail:

Forze speciali turch...
dbakir22.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x407

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fatela finita
by antiamericano Friday, Mar. 31, 2006 at 3:53 PM mail:

fatela finita. cercate solo di gettare fango sul governo e sulla nazione turca. lo sanno anche i bambini che l oppressione del popolo curdo é opera di bush e della sua fottuta america.
gloria alla turchia
morte all america

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by mazzetta Friday, Mar. 31, 2006 at 4:00 PM mail:

"Buyukanit" discussion in European Parliament

STRASBOURG (16.03.2006) - Semdinli indictment, which was prepared by Van Attorney Generalship and which were discussed in Turkey for days, came to the order of European Parliament. Belgian parliamentarian Philip Claeys maintained that, in Turkey, there is always threat of military coup.

Belgian parliamentarian Philip Claeys, who talked in the general assembly of European Parliament, said that there is no human rights in Turkey. Claeys, who attracted attention to the Semdinli indictment, talked like this; ''In an indictment, which was prepared in Turkey, it was appeared that, a general is responsible from a bombing incident in a Kurdish city. In Turkey, there is always a possibility of military coup. After these events, it is impossible to see Turkey as a member of European Union". Claeys wanted from the authorities of EU to stop the negotiations with Turkey.

Belgian parliamentarian Claeys also gave information to the European parliamentarians about the 85 years old Ferho Akgul and 80 years old Fatma Akgul, who were the parents of Kurdish writer Medeni Ferho and Derwes Ferho, and who were found death in the Mizizex village of the district of Mardin, Midyat.

Claeys, who explained the murder with its details, talked like this; ''A country, in which 80 years old persons were killed, how can enter to European Union? I don't want Turkey to be member of EU. In Turkey, everyday, massacres is done to Kurds. I'm favourable of expansion. But, it is necessary to obey the criterions”.

non esattamente, in Turchia comandano i militari, sono loro i primi responsabili della repressione dei curdi, in questo caso gli americani c'entrano poco o niente

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