Indymedia Italia

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foto Palestina (da
by sharonboia Sunday, Dec. 29, 2002 at 6:34 AM mail:

28 and 27 December 2002:

foto Palestina (da u...
1.jpgfescuf.jpg, image/jpeg, 410x296

(1) Palestinian and foreign protesters march in Ramallah to call an end to the Israeli occupation, while

(2) Palestinian boys protest Israeli occupation of Bethlehem outside of the Church of the Nativity;

(3) Hamas activists wave Iraqi, Islamic, Hamas and Palestinian flags during a rally to mark the 15th anniversary of the group's foundation in Gaza city;

(4) Palestinians carry the body of 19-year-old Palestinian Mahdi Abu Obied in Ramallah, after he, unarmed civilian, was killed by Israeli undercover troops

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