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(FOTO+ARTICLES) Venezuelan Troops Clash with Strikers; More Than 20 Injured
by Clash Saturday, Jan. 04, 2003 at 12:54 AM mail:

Opposition protesters run from tear gas near Fuerte Tiuna military base in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, Jan. 3, 2003. Police and soldiers fired tear gas and rubber bullets to avoid clashes between the opposition and Chavez supporters after an opposition march arrived to the military base.(AP Photo/Cesar Lombardi, El Globo)

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Clashes in Venezuela Leave 23 Injured
(AP) - Troops fired rubber bullets and tear gas Friday to keep opponents and rock-throwing supporters of President Hugo Chavez from clashing outside the Venezuelan capital's military headquarters. At least 23 people were injured.
The violence erupted when several hundred supporters of the president threw rocks, bottles and fireworks at thousands of opposition marchers and police in Los Proceres park, outside Caracas' Fort Tiuna

foto's here:

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